Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

90’s anime is such a vibe. pretty much the only thing i use twitter for is to follow accounts that post screenshots from them

if it stole your voice how come i can still hear this post in my head?

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You know, the Aredhel/Eol relationship contradicts the idyllic (to Tolkien) and horrifying (to modern readers) picture painted in “Laws and Customs among the Eldar” no matter what assumptions you make.

If Aredhel actually loved Eol back, she wouldn’t take so much convincing to stay with him, and wouldn’t escape him with their son at the first opportunity. At any rate it contradicts the whole “elves have love at first sight and stay with their loved ones in life and death” thing from LACE, which is blatantly there to explain Beren/Luthien.

If she didn’t, then she stayed with him against her will, and conceived a child with him against her will. At the very least this contradicts the LACE statement that elves only have sex with their loved ones and consider the very act to be equivalent to marriage.* If you also consider it rape (I definitely do, but I’ll grant that with the mores of his time, Tolkien might not have), then it also contradicts the LACE statement that elves totally have a Release Spirit button that only works when they’re being raped and nowhere else. (If Maedhros could just will himself to die, he wouldn’t have needed to plead Fingon to kill him.)

And mind you, I wouldn’t spend so much time and energy attacking LACE if not for a certain very vocal portion of the fandom claiming that if you don’t accept that ancient, extrafictional text exactly as written, then you don’t understand Tolkien elves at all.

* Incidentally, if this was true, why couldn’t Luthien just roll in the grass with Beren and tell her dad that they’re totally married now, except of course it’s projecting the loophole abuse attitudes of modern D&D players onto Tolkien characters, so I won’t do that.

yes i agree

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It finally happened.

Not sated with fel, not fufilled by shadow, Warlocks have finally harnessed the power… of love.


Not the whole telepathy stick
that one’s separate

Thank you

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Don’t need no credit card to ride this train

Stop giving me auto-accept quests, Broken Isles, I don’t care about the Legion assaulting Val’sharah for the bazillionth time, I’m just here to visit the druid place


Greymane’s forces hold this warden tower.
Thin their ranks.
Show no mercy.


And it only gives 30 honour.

I need like 6k.

Its weird because we’re both able to have a normal conversation in DMs, its literally my friend’s chat and disc where we’re unhinged.

Like he needed help with something so I messaged him what to do etc.


I tend to suss people out before I start turning on goblin mode in conversation with them. Don’t wanna accidentally enable some thirst on a platform where tone is hard to convey.

Oh no, I am just fully unhinged in this friend’s chat regardless.

I don’t lose her viewers though, that’s what would make me tone it down.

In other news, need to throw the amazon box collection behind me away, I just saw a person sitting there.

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my body is telling me that i need to sleep

my job is telling me that i need to work

i can’t do both things at once and so we’re at a bit of an impasse here

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and me (the most important voice) is to pick yourself up a greggs sausage roll and some yum yums

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oh damn yeah i could really go for a box of yumyums


Leo just waking up and yelling until he gets everything he wants handed to him on a platter.

Hard life being a cat.


now i’m a night elf i’m proud to announce that actually yes the horde are the baddies and the alliance the goodies

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her flags might be red but red’s my favourite colour so what it do babyyyyyyy


Getting yourself greggs and yum yums and not getting me anything as I’m suffering clearly makes you the bad guy.

What do you want, Blythan? I’ll hook you up. I’ve got connections.

My other uncle is Gregg himself.