Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I slipped on some ice and went down head first like a cartoon. Dizzy. If I lose my abiluty to typrev I’m gvinna xfh


if you keep bullying me like this i’m going to tell my wife and then you’ll really be in trouble :rage:

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if you keep bullying aerilen like this i’m going to tell your wife and then you’ll really be in trouble :rage:

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Children, calm down or none of you will get desert.

Unrelatedly, rona is weird. No runny nose but my sinuses are all angry.

Why do Warcraft dragon eggs have spikes on them? Wouldn’t they be painful to lay?

I choose to believe that the spikes develop once exposed to open air as a self defense mechanism.

Iirc animals with horns/hooves etc when they’re born, these are really soft and they start to harden once they’re exposed to the air. Something like that.

Then again magic. :person_shrugging:

Foals have their hooves covered by a deciduous hoof capsule (mild google warning on this because it’s strange to look at) to protect the mother from their hooves.

But for WoW dragon eggs I always headcanoned the spikes as a growth/health indicator that happens post laying.


Today I learned.

Evolution has created such fascinating solutions to problems.


Really need to get back on Baldurs Gate 3 after finishing Spiderman 2. I was in Act 3 and feel the slow down and needed a break, but I’m ready to return and finish my half-orc druid adventure.


The Fall Guys crossover is my peeve, not because there’s anything inherently wrong with it but just because I absolutely suck at it

I never once won a game of actual Fall Guys so I’m not about to show myself up by also losing in the FFXIV version

Same, but the rewards are cute so my hands are tied. I must bash my head against that wall.

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As I established,

the evolutionary advantage of spiked eggs is that the loud roaring while laying them scares any potential predators away.

Truly remarkable.

Still dizzy. Going to lay down.

So I decided to finally do the Rumble Coin quest on my alt just so Mizzen would stop spamming my inbox.

I ran around the Roasted Ram looking for the coin, but found nothing, even though the quest area is highlighted as the Roasted Ram and the quest text tells me to search there.

I opened Wowhead and learned that the coins are account-bound and once you turn in a coin on one character, you can’t do it on another.

Of course, nothing in the game itself tells you this. Brilliant quest design.


It very much is, I did almost win a few times but it is pain.

I do need that King Bean title though

Ugh. No. Lie down!

I suppose they’re just soft and whatnot but they look spiky and even worse to give birth to than just hooves in my eyes lmao :see_no_evil:


They’re like gelly rubber