Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

She’s right, though.

“Welcome to Pandaria, gentlemen!”

Imagine building your entire brand and online presence on being the queer creator, only for it to be revealed that the only times you didnt plagiarize other people was when you were being misogynistic & or misgendering transmen on purpose.


tbh I’ve never even seen the guy before watching the hbomber video
think I heard his name before but I think that must have been someone pointing out the misogyny because I for the life of me can’t remember anything else I’ve heard about him


Me watching from the sidelines as people are disillusioned in Internet celebrities I never heard about: “I’m happy to have no idea what’s going on.”


i never heard about hbomberguy until right now. how did i not notice this guy and his videos before damn


Another content creator called “Todd in the Shadows” who normally only does music reviews released a second video deep-diving into Somerton. He openly cites that when it was in development, he heard hbomber was doing a video on the guy and got interested himself in checking stuff out too, and found some additional/even more things than hbomber did.

One of the more damning things in that one outside of the plagiarizing is that Somerton made a blunt statement that the only gay men who survived a certain epidemic in the 80’s were “the boring ones”.

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I suppose that was the one bit from the video that I found a little strange. I never really got the perception that Somerton was the queer creator, and especially with his small beef with Nebula creators he gave off the impression of the kid who’s not really with the ‘big leagues’, so to speak. (And in this analogy, everyone is queer.)

His Ben Shapiro video is an Internet classic at this point. (Sell the houses to whom, Ben?! F-in Aquaman?!!)

But yeah, Hbomberguy and several others are far better video essayists than James Somerton. Contrapoints, Jessie Gender, Philosophy Tube are a great watch.

Got it suggested to me as well, but at this point I’ve mostly already heard enough about Somerton to put him in a box and shelve him away to forget about him later.

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I wouldn’t personally say that he was, but it was and is very clear that he saw himself as that, and built his persona on trying to be portrayed as it.


Hbomber’s subreddit has a new thread dedicated to specifically finding and promoting other essayists (in particular those who discusses queer & lgbtq+ topics) and finding who should be credited for what in Somerton’s entire library.


I usually find video essays too long and I don’t have the time for them. I have watched some ContraPoints in the past, and I did watch a few Lindsay Ellis videos some years ago too.

Glad it got changed.

i have been awake since 3am thanks to my delightful children

today is day 1 of a 3 day work conference where we all have to do enforced fun and socialise

haha i want to die


I quite like long videos that are split up in chapters. It gives alot of content and good stop points for if I feel like I can’t do them in one sitting.

Jenny Nicholson does nice videos too, but they’re less essays and her going on very specific deep dives (like a nearly 3 hour vampire diaries video) or a full review of the entire “land before time” franchise etc.

btw in cyberpunk i’m doubting whether i’ve made the right choice

things are not going well

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Build-wise or story-wise?

I found early in one of my previous visits to the game that my idea for a super agile/stealth V was not as good as it sounded.

Welcome to Night City.

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it’s been all sunshines and rainbows until this point elenthas

The sunshine was artificial synthlighting.
The rainbows were an oilspill seeping into the groundwater.

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Well damn, that’s a solid dunking.

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Oh she’s amazing, though as with many such things I need to dedicate a whole afternoon to what a given dive is about. Good for otherwise mindless grinding, I guess.

Level an alt, build a house in a survival game, learn a thing. All good.

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Frieren defeats Aura, now in English.