Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I always love seeing how she dresses for the topic with matching outfits, and yeah her videos are simultaneously really good for when you’re doing something mindless so you can focus on them, yet they still requires attention, especially as it can quickly draw you in to properly follow.

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James Somerton really makes me realize how starved YouTube is for a voice from that space. I’ve seen more charisma from my aquarium, and my fish dress better than store brand TomSka.

They also don’t go on random misogynistic tirades or steal content!

Fish 1.
James Somerton 0.

His mother is not very proud.


One thing we share. I tend to only hear about youtubers when it gets all across discord/reddit/twitter that they’ve been outed for doing something bad. Same with that cheating husband from the Try Guys.


With the announcement that Symphogear is getting a movie (though any further details are still unknown) I would ask that people indulge me and watch the first five minutes of Season 3 Episode 1

If this vibes with you at all, start from Season 1. If it doesn’t, sorry for wasting your time as you don’t appreciate PEAK.

How can you mention this and not show us fish?


show fish pics


My youtube is fairly limited too and I do not care at all about whatever silly feuds go on between creators, so that filters out a lot of drama. Reminds me rather too much of server politics and how off kilter people get in a bubble.


Every time I hear something about video essays or breadtube or whatever and their little feuds and five hour long vidoes, I regret having heard of it


Video essays are just podcasts that have been inexplicably attached to a video.



those finns sure know how to make a painful experience

Actually gets brought up in hbomb’s new video where he mentions he doesn’t know what breadtube is, got told he was in it, and then people got mad at him for being “in it”.

I’m sure there’s a fancy term for that.


“breadtube” is an audience demographic, it’s not a “movement” none of the creators attached to it are deliberately part of it even if they embraced it. It’s just a dumb term for “long form videos that very online vaguely left leaning youngish people like”.

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Well, I’m out. Fun while it lasted, though.


Even in the obscene spending spree that is december shoppin’, most money goes into food.

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Youngish in the sense that we are youngish, despite our creaking bones and bad backs

(breadtube is/was a loose grouping of left-leaning creators based mostly on shared audience and many of them being friends/collaborators, named after seminal leftist work The Conquest of Bread which like any good anarchist I haven’t read

most people called ‘breadtubers’ reject or handwave the label)


today i remembered that lost odyssey was a game and how much i enjoyed it and wish i could play it again

Hasn’t released anything in an age.

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Her last videos were a year ago, so by the rough timeline of Big Video Essays we’re due one at some point soon

(I’m not a patron or anything so couldn’t tell you for sure)

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Like many things translated from french, it takes a few twists and turns to make a point.

She made a post last night jokingly asking if the people who unsubscribed to her and called her a bunch of nasty stuff when she had previously questioned Somerton would be coming back now or not.

She followed it up with that she and Sarah Z had been in a call/cast with him a year or so ago and they briefly brought up a moment they had seen plagiarized. He shrugged it off and they moved on. But later on in his discord he told people there that they were both being homophobic and bullying him for being gay, and asked fans to help him out so they both got a ton of harassment.

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I believe she’s been releasing patreon-exclusives in the meantime - I’ve seen the occasional clip of them on twitter dot com, but I’m not a sub so couldn’t say what’s going up.

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