Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I knew that already.
Hue hue hue.


I’d even take it a step further and say that perhaps people should stop basing their whole personalities around hero-worship and instead try and form their own personalities.

Heck, there are persons I find interesting ( Arnie Schwarzenegger for instance) but that doesn’t stop me from seeing their flaws , nor make me forget that they’re also just humans.

Now for a small peeve: Recently I started another run of ANNO 1800 ( for those not in the know, a citybuilder). The formula of the game is almost always the same. You start out with one ship of resources and money, and set out to find a first suitable island for you to begin building your city.

Naturally the game also has a campaign that mostly serves to teach you the ropes, and the story was enjoyable. You are a wayward heir who returns to the Europe-inspired empire after learning your father has passed away through a letter from your sister. Problem is, your dad was supposedly a traitor to the Crown and was imprisoned for it, and passed away in his cell. Following that, your uncle, the father’s brother, takes over the company your dad built, and with your sister and the last of her money, you go build your own city.

As you’re busy building your city, you find out that there’s something fishy about your father’s death, and as you are investigating this, you come into contact with a cult called the Pyrphorians ( Pyr being the Greek word for “fire” I believe). And they certainly live up to their name, for they often try to cause arson in your city, and they attack you with dragon-shaped, steampowered battlecruisers that are pretty terrifying to behold ( this is 1800 after all, so we were in the transition-period of sailingboats to steamvessels). Eventually you deal with them, but this is where the peeve comes in.

At the end of the campaign, when you defeat the Pyrphorian Grandmaster, she seems to have an almost personal hatred of your family, and the pirate leader feels there was something familiar about her. Yet, it’s never elaborated on where the Pyrphorians came from, what their actual goals were other than trying to destroy the Empire, and we never saw them in another DLC again apart from them trying to pit the Anarchist player against the Empire.

And I think that’s a shame.

Even their theme was scary, it made sailing around the seas far more scary, knowing these guys were out there…

Is someone here doing that?


I’d sure hope so!

I more meant the initial part.
I don’t think anyone is basing their whole personality on hero worship.

Worship me


Ah no, not here on these particular forums atleast as far as I can see. I meant more in general.

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Vixi right now.


With youtubers(or well any social media), it’s been a thing for years and really easy to fall into. When people make stuff we like, it’s very easy to put them on a pedestal and want them to be perfect.

And as we’ve seen with many, many different examples, people also don’t like that being proven wrong, and gets incredibly hostile and vicious if this perfect image of a celebrity or popular figure is challenged.

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Yes, it’s perfect

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Mhm, it’s never fun when someone you look up to turns out to have flaws like the rest of us. But still, fame and stardom shouldn’t make someone immune to criticism, and it’s a shame that alot of people get absolutely rabid when it comes to defending their heroes.
Probably most famous example being the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard thing. Johnny won, but the way I saw it, he was far from a saint himself.

Which I think ties into a conversation I’ve had earlier with a friend, these days people try to make everything out as black and white, and when that’s not the case, they just cannot seem to comprehend that. They just -have- to vehemently defend the own side and ignore any and all criticism, or else their brain just Error 404’s.

Funny part is, the guy I linked is an actual god-like being in his setting, a Kai, and at this very moment, he fused with himself from an alternate timeline. Man really loved himself!

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I simply choose to only hero-worship virtuous people who can commit no wrong

RIP to everyone else but I’m different


You’re under the impression I gave you a choice.

It wasn’t a suggestion, but a statement.


That entire thing was a situation of two bad people being really crappy towards each other. There can be discussions about who was crappier, but both were ultimately at fault.

And I don’t think it is too outlandish to claim that Heard got alot more vitriol than deserved not only because Deep being a beloved actor got him alot of fans, but because of her gender.

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I assume you all worship me and are all too awestruck to admit it


Lol. Lmao. You suck.

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See it even makes Distantpeak into a tsundere

I don’t know what that is.

It’s you, duh

Sorry, who are you again?