Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

You’re the bottom brat though.

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steps on your shoe

Mito! She got out of the shed again!

Everyone coming out to deny it only proves the adoration nestled in their hearts :relieved:

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[brave man standing up dot jpg]

I like Loras


[Incinerates you with radiance]


remember meeeeeee


You’ll be remembered as a cautionary tale of forsaking the true Goddess for a lesser one. Who lives in Mito’s shed.

(I do hope it’s clear I’m not serious. Love Loras)

I feel exposed. Was worth it though. We got it!


Your nakedness broke the forums, it all lagged out!

Congratulations though, it looks wonderful!

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Entire game is currently eating dirt.

I heard from a reliable source that Danuser firebombed the server on his way out of the building.

You can believe me because no one would ever lie on the internet.


Now that I’ve read this information, I need to make a video dissecting it and spreading it as truth.


More seriously here’s what a wow dev is saying:-

WoW got hammered by an infrastructure change with very unexpected results, we’re working to get everything back up asap.

The root of this one is an update to the teeny little service that bootstraps the VMs and delivers OS updates etc. Deployed fine in test, on Live, WoW did not approve and we locked up our file stores globally. We’re left with a lot of manual cleanup to get things moving again.

Thankfully WoW’s site reliability engineers are awesome and are churning through the work, we’re making sure there’s no other surprises waiting for us and then we’ll get you back in as quickly as we can.


Not me realising how German I am by wondering how someone could not know Anno…

:+1: continue on, choice maker of doom

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Pushed heroic Fyrakk to phase 3, so many things to keep track of my brain is pudding rn

Waiting for a package from UPS and we all know how that usually goes :slight_smile:

Edit: got my thing, but edited by moderator can’t even be bothered to walk UP the stairs to my door so I had to go down and fetch it from the ground floor next to the door.

Very nice, hate UPS literally worst company and big companies still use them.

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Reading an account of a doctor who was just awarded a huge payout after mistreatment and their (correct) reccomendations being ignored during UK covid, then harrassed by some bileous little pen pusher…

Some people do not deserve the oxygen they steal :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Most of them in ‘administrator’ jobs in power. Cretins.

While the big payout is pretty nice no doubt, it’s diminished somewhat knowing that it’s the taxpayer who’s footing the bill rather than any of those actually to blame for it.

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Exactly. And, as she herself said, what was supposed to be a dream job has been destroyed. Someone who genuinely wanted nothing more than to help people has been left damaged by some insufferable egomaniac penpusher. And I find that inexcusable.