Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Do you ever just


Haha I will never resub or play wow again I say while doing exactly that due to friends.
This is what misery looks like btw, it’s the German edition too because HAHA no more english EU ones >:(


that doesn’t look like the german version, it doesn’t say droogenfleugen

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I can confirm it is german, the backside is all in Deutsch, which I can read and I must ask the Germans, how do you cope with your language like this?

It just sounds so angry!


Don’t know how I feel about the Seasons of Discovery team managing to pump out weekly hotfixes, patches and adjustments for SoD whilst also hotfixing things within 24~ hours of them being complained about.

Meanwhile the Retail team takes at least 6 months to get back to the community on the most basic of things that the entire WoW community agrees should happen. The difference in care is just. . .palpable and I wonder why.


It’s only a true authentic german copy if the game is hardcoded into the german translation instead of english & or choose your language.

I will actually laugh if me activating this CE key would changed the language to German from English.

Now that would be German efficiency


I’ve only bought a few things directly from germany before or when I was there.

In the games’s instances, the official english versions and the options to change language at all, had been removed from the CDs and the german dub and text was hardcoded in.

The one movie I got did the same thing, the usual options for audio and subtitles had all been removed and replaced with german dub and subtitles.

And the one boardgame I got was reprinted entirely(even the board and parts) to be only in german.

They really like doing translations!

I thought we defeated those in the third moderator war.

It begins again.

I got it from the gearstore, so I wouldn’t have to buy from a reseller!

But I do recall having Pokémon Stadium for the N64 in German, since iirc my parents went there on a holiday trip and brought it back for me and my brother. No option to swap it to english :rofl: those were the days of trying to guess moves in a language neither of us knew!

They do! But also makes sense for a country of some 80-million people!

They always lurk, ready to make sure I don’t cuss out the UPS delivery drivers even though they deserve it.

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It is still so fascinating to me the amount of people living in countries increase so much the second you get out of Scandinavia.

Like, Sweden is the “big” one for roughly 10 million, and then you get to any other region except for the Nordics, and that alone sometimes isn’t even the population of a regular big city.

We just like being not overly populated, which is also why the amount of immigration coming up here is
 problematic as we literally don’t have the housing for them.

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That sure sounds familiar, only in my little corner of the world, we do be a little over-populated. ( Think 17 million people in a country you can cross in the length in just over three hours driving). When I told my US friend this, she became the surprised pikachu face.

But if you then say maybe we should take it a little easy on migration, they call you a racist :frowning:

We’re 5.9million this year. with about 15% of the population being immigrants or descendants thereof (hi I’m there), with the rest including both Faroese and Greenland (Inuit) people in the “Danish” group. I think you can cross most of Denmark in a few hours too, we’re not big either.

Most people don’t realise how small some countries are, especially americans who live in a country that realistically is 50 smaller countries in a trenchcoat.

You can tell someone doing crime in broad daylight to not do that and be called racist here. It made the word loose it’s meaning many a year ago.

I am favour of limiting migration, considering we have an affordable housing crisis (who doesn’t tbh) and a lack of student housing too, nevermind how our welfare laws had to be changed and tailored due to a lot of migrants* abusing/gambling the system over the years.

We can’t house or afford to keep more people, that’s not touching on the social issues which lead to actual legitimate racism or religious issues (like how a majority of a certain religion belives it should be held above our constituion).

I just hate the whole topic bc nobody is ever civil about it and will call you various things over it. I hate more that we deport integrated working people but keep the criminals related to gangs and hard crimes.
It’s a shame, I love the multicultural world as we mingle more and more with different cultures and societies.

*There’s also been a lot of danes doing it as well, but it became a bigger problem in migrant communities some years ago causing the need for change.

Apparently the Sister of Battle party member in Rogue Trader isn’t romanceable.

A shame.

Gonna have to settle for the Navigator instead (or just toybox the romance gender flags out).

No Pasqal romance either. By the Machine-Spirit, why even live

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From what I remember of the AS, they wouldn’t want to romance anyone because their devotion is due in its entirety to the Emperor

sharing bodies, however? a woman does have needs

Out of curiosity, where are you originally from then before coming to denmark? And yes, I doubt you’re that much bigger than us. I am from the Netherlands myself. And my US friend indeed said how it put things into perspective for her when I told her how big the Netherlands are.

Mhm, we’ve had the same problems, and if you followed news a little, you might’ve seen that because of that, one of our most notorious anti-EU politicians won the elections here ( Geert Wilders and his party the PVV, Partij voor de Vrijheid or “Party for Freedom”). He is also known for being very anti-religion you just mentioned ( currently we have about 1 million practicing believers here on a population of 17 million).

And I will admit, I am not a fan of him or his fanbase, as I tend to be a leftie in most of my thinking, but currently I do not really feel at home with any of the left parties in the Netherlands either, since when it comes to topics as migration, maintaining an army or dealing with climate-change, some might call me a bit more right-leaning.

But we come from 13 years of having the same Prime Minister and his neo-liberal party, the VVD, and during that time, some issues either grew worse or were not dealt with at all. And so they voted for the party that promised to do it different from the establishment, who promised he would deal with housing and migration. (Whether or not he is going to succeed is another thing, he is currently learning that if you want to form an administration, you’ll have to make compromises.)

These days it seems to be the fashion to respond from emotion rather than try and maintain some civility.

The final list of romances is:-
Cassia - hottie navigator lady (men only)
Heinrix - hottie inquisitor guy (ladies only)
Jae - hottie pirate lady (men+ladies both)
Yrliet - hottie eldar lady (men+ladies both, but ‘platonic’, whatever that means)
Marazhai - hottie dark eldar terrorist guy (men+ladies both)

No Space Wolf, no Sister of Battle, no unsanctioned Psyker, no Adeptus Mechanicus.

I mean, it’s fine, I’m sure there’s good reasons for this and what we’ve got will still be good.

if I know Owlcat fans, at least two of those will get romance mods within a year