Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

The funny thing about ‘stop/limit/halt migration!’ politicking because of the housing crisis is that a large chunk of migration is labour migrants from eastern europe and turkey who are very much needed to build actual houses because we’re all too snobby to do work like that ourselves

the issues in ter apel/budel were literally manufactured by the VVD by massive budget cuts on the IND, and forcing every asylum seeker to have to move to one particular, small, very remote village in the north of the country in order to apply - i’m not saying they did so intentionally, but it’s a direct consequence of their policy. I work quite a lot with the IND (Dutch Immigration/Naturalisation Services - they’re responsibles for visas etc as well) and the massive backlog they have simply due to not having enough staff to handle requests (including Dublin claims to return applicants to the country where they first applied) is staggering


I’ll admit, I do not know how much of our actual building-sector consists of labour-migrants, so I can’t comment on that, other than that I’m not surprised that that fact is omitted.

Mhm, I was aware of the IND suffering from budgetcuts as a result of the VVD policies of the last years. Yet I wonder if they will actually receive more funding soon, because all too often when you say you want to give services like that more money, it gets explained like “Omg, he/she’s in favor of more migrants clearly!” When I think it’s only in our favor when migrants can be dealt with faster and more efficiently without having to make them sleep outside.

Though, next to the issues mentioned, we also got the problem that certain countries simply do not wish to take their migrants back, right?

Mum’s Icelandic, making me half-icelandic! So I am technically a second gen immigrant, though I am one of the lucky few to be born with a double citizenship.

I believe our landmasses are both about the same size, so yeah it’s wild for people in bigger countries to realise how small some countries really are compared to their states as an example.

Yeah I’ve heard some of the dutch voting stuff and it’s abit of a mess. But not surprising considering our european political climate and how it’s been developing these past years.

I don’t believe you should discriminate against any religion in particular and a lot of our Blue (aka Right-wing) parties are also very against that religion but they’re just racists and bigots so the usual.
We had to have a law instated to tell people to not burn books due to the Quran burnings, despite that already technically being illegal due to the law of respecting peoples religions due to the religious freedom.

I am also left-leaning in most things, but our leftwing parties or the Reds are just… Either not actual left or they want to open borders permanently which I am against due to the aforementioned reasons. Meanwhile the rightwings are being racists, bigots, both or just wanting to cut off any and all welfare to line their own pockets.

Doesn’t matter what party you vote here tbh, it all ends in the same whirlpool or garbage of one side causing a mess and the next fixing the mess to then repeat the cycle. We have a “broad government” atm but frankly the only red party is leaning more towards the right (this party has our primeminister), the “center” or purple party is straight up just former blue block politicians or clueless idiots including the swine that is our former PM and then we have the blue party which is full of people wanting to cut welfare systems off all the time and have had a crisis again.

I loathe the politicians, they’re all welfare politicians with no idea of what a normal person goes through and one of the few we have that worked for many years before becoming a politician is a racist and a bigot.

But our gov is also slowly falling apart again so who knows when we have another round of voting again for me to protest vote/blank vote. Nothings gonna change since we have the same people in different flavour on both sides.

Emotions need to be kept away from some topics, while they’re important they shouldn’t also influence the important decisions between having a healthy country in terms of political and economical situations.

Be civil and use words to explain instead of reverting to acting like a young child throwing a temper tantrum.

Bleh didn’t mean to get political on peeves but here we sort of are.

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The contractors in charge/overseeing things tend to be Dutch, other than them a very large portion is a mixture of Polish people, Hungarians, Bulgarians, and some folks from the Baltics, as well as Turks - similarly, with electric wiring/infrastructure, it’s mostly folks from Eastern Europe doing the manual labour intensive portions, and our net capacity is almost running out which is bad news for the housing crisis or just general new buildings or the like

It’s an important thing to mention because they make up a far larger share of the total immigrants on a yearly basis than the asylum seekers, which is what the number is usually equated with in the media and in politics

They got to hire some new folks on a permanent basis/up their staff capacity a bit fairly recently, I believe, but you already explained why it’s not going to get major things sorted

To some extent; when it comes to political posturing, absolutely, in reality it mostly goes through when requested - it helps that there’s some consideration taken (ie, sending people to Italy or Greece is something that’s unlikely to be requested for obvious reasons). I don’t have full oversight of the exact numbers, but as a general rule, the administrators working on these things pay more heed to the European legislation that define their work than national politicians rambling about said legislation, as is all well and good!

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One of 80-somthing-million and we also don’t have the housing… in fact, we don’t have the housing for people already here.
Send houses plz

I just wish our system was better in making sure the people who’re putting in lots of effort to settle and be part of the local community had those effort valued.
It’s somehow always the good co-workers that have to go back.

It would appear that the warden set does indeed change colour depending on day/night cycle
blizzard continue to shoot themselves in the foot


I’ve managed to get sauce on both of my favourite jackets today. I am smort.

Platonic with an eldar probably means “oh I love you too! You make a wonderful pet. I will be most upset when you wilt of age, my little mon’keigh.” headpat

Extremely silly.

Was it good sauce, at least?

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It’s a cool idea but 3 armour sets (day, night, day/night) is the obvious and easy solution


I hate this.

i like this simply on the basis that it’s cool new tech - they’ve never done this before and it opens the door for other cool new things. i’ll probably still wear it on my druid because it’s cool

they could have chosen a different set to showcase the tech but it’d have ruffled someone’s feathers regardless of what it looked like

Actually doing some M+ for the little monk to grow stronk
why must the enemy two shot me? plz handle gently


Evoker nearly 70, pretty sure I got 3 classes laft after

Oh what a small dumb animal that cat is.

(announcing he’s going to bed)


Super peeved with the apparent hard-lock of Rend Blackhand’s level in WC Rumble. It’s simply “I will spam Giants you can’t kill fast enough, AoE to prevent you swarm army-ing them, and the Boss still has his two phases so you need ranged AND melee AND everything near level 20 or lol. Lmao. Get rek’d.”

I get it’s a mobile game, and thus wants your wallet, but until this point it had felt there was some wiggle room. If there’s any tricks to that level, I ain’t seeing them. So guess Im rage-quitting for the night.

I snapped up Rend as my first leader (I don’t really play any more, the loop isn’t very fun for me) and can confirm that it’s tough to counter him even as a unit without two units or overwhelming force

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We did TK for fun because we discussed ashes, well, I was the only person out of 3 who somehow got lucky lololo.

One of my friends is not happy since I already got Legion Midnight out of the DOTI mount

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Discord is really good at being consistently terrible with their decisions for updates.
Got the new mobile update (it’s server side so you can’t dodge it unless you use an older or modded client) and girl, this thing is bad.
Idk what happened with interface desingers over the years but they seem to be mostly unable to actually improve. At least those who work over there…


Rend Blackhand’s level is actually (yes, hyperbole, no I do not care) impossible.

I was wrong, he’s not level 20, he’s level FIFTEEN. And his map has by-game-rules impossible 6 gold spam. The layout is horrendous as well, trying to get him held in place so you can get enough weight of units to engage while ALSO defending your base from giant spam AND the hammerers/flameguy/blackrock spam AND trying to deal with gold gen yourself…

I got one attempt where I dismounted him, then he just tanked everything (he gets an AoE cleave on ground, because of course he does) and smashed my base, and another where I got map control but couldn’t dismount him because I couldn’t get ranged units to be in the right place AND not get instantly barbequed.

This is the ONLY map I have struggled this much on. Others have eventually presented a solution (often when Im not playing tired) but this? You need Banshees for the giant spam, but then you need a bunch of other stuff and there’s absolutely nothing obvious. It’s not ‘a challenge’ it just cheats and that makes it beyond frustrating.

have you tried paying blizzard a bunch of money to win

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