Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Rumble having a similar issue to Diablo 4 and often WoW - where if you ever want to change your talent build it is prohibitively expensive/grindy/impossible - is an interesting Blizzard-wide design issue I only just noticed was baked into their games

(remembering BFA where if you played 2+ specs regularly it worked out better to level a second character in that class rather than switch your azerite armour back and forth)

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Just caught my nose piercing.

At least I didn’t yank it out of my nose like with the last one.

But still, ouch.

I dunno about D4 so much, yeah it costs to respec but I’m sitting on 11 mil gold on the seasonal realm, so I could in theory completely respec my bone necro to blood (because I have a load of blood aspects in my bank) and I see enough shadow aspects that in a few dungeons I could completely respec that way too if I wanted.

Just time and energy and I’m happy with my bone necro for the season.

What the game needs to stop doing is; “so you know how you shoul play sorcerer?”

With diablo it’s less about the talents themselves and more about the several often spec-defining legendaries you need to pick up to try something else out

So if you’re tired of your current build or it’s not able to handle current content you either have to grind out even longer with a build you don’t like or drop right back down in difficulty and grind back up again

I am aware and I have had some of those spec defining legendaries drop for the spec I’m not playing*

So I could’ve rerolled if I wanted.

Luckily, I am only on nightmare tier so it doesn’t matter so much right now.

*Sorcerer last season, no I do not want the fire legendary game, I am a frost sword summoner. Why are you like this?

Pretty Puss woke up and about to choose violence.

Which is; scream at the top of his lungs.

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I’ve become an old woman, spent the afternoon eating Werther’s Originals. They’re peng, by the way.


stop trying to make peng happen

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Peng happened years ago, I’m just bringing it back (despite never using it at the time)

Do you need a ride back to the old folk’s home grandma?

wrong but it’s okay to be wrong I forgive you

You’re older than me smh

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That’s because Vixi is an immortal embodiment whereas you are still saying you’re on fleek with the dank memes


Thats right!

wait sorry I’m ash from last time :headstone:

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Is done and shouldn’t come back.

I’m a trendsetter :3

You’ll doom us all!

Lintian as a multiclass hunter/mage in Warcraft 5e plays remarkably how I imagine her Argent Dawn incarnation: jack of two trades, master of none.

(There’s some synergy, though very little. Arcane mages in Warcraft 5e have a level 2 ability that lets them swap initiative with another creature once per day, so she can force win initiative and pewpew with hunter bonuses for going first. Also the DM gave her a really OP bow that gives advantage to all allies on that turn against the creature it hits.)


Evokers are so weird to translate to 5E that I don’t know what unholy abomination of classes would represent Kora

(also, native flight speed insta-ban too OP)