Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I made it before Augmentation existed and I’m too lazy to update it to be more faithful, so you’ll have to settle for Black+Blue Devastation, Red+Green Preservation, and Bronze Middleground.

If you wanna watch something amazing, look up the Yugioh live action episode on Amazon Prime called “Time to Duel”.

I love my dumb lizard (augvoker) but man do I need to fix my unit frames to track Scale stacks and maybe a WA or two for Prescience being off CD bc I do be forgetting.

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this is the one I use - tracks all your cooldowns and buffs

For tracking/targeting Prescience you can rely on the autotarget 99% of the time in 5-mans - in raids you can set up things to get more clever with it but it’s more helpful addition rather than necessary

Excellent, I’ll have a look at it tomorrow when setting up this guys UI proper.

I like to use mouseovers, so I just really need a CD/buff tracker for things since I am the local idiot who forgets to look at my bars every so often ehehe.

The new League champion seems pretty cool. Jhin definitely needed a cute artist boyfriend.

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Finally, toxic yaoi (Jhin murdered his entire school)


Do I like problematic kings in real life? No. Can I appreciate them in my fantasy? Also no, not usually. But I like Hwei, he’s got a cute lil choker on.

How is it not Friday yet?
This should be illegal.

I tried to message a Reddit user and it said “You need to have a more established Reddit account to send chat invites”.

They’re paywalling chat now?


if man evil then why sexy


evil doesn’t have to be problematic!! a respectful supervillain king/queen can be (and regularly are) sexy.

Truly the hufflepuff of dragonflights.

While at the same time being terrifying.


The full extent of catching up on quests on alts all but guarantees I’ll never touch that content again and simply level any future alts by dungeons.

At least make achievements account-wide? That probably screws up world phasing, though.

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Tbh a big baddie who respects their SO is such a huge W in any media


You get it.


But what about a protag who’s objectively evil but thinks they’re a hero bcause they give their gf headpats and murders anyone who annoys her?

Well, that’s just common RP.

that’s kinda problematic too, white knight syndrome in upfront villain form


I saw a D&D meme the other day about the typical bard trying to seduce, this time the big evil.

Who responds with “No thank you, I’m happily married” Casts power word kill


The stereotypical bard cliche annoys me, to be honest. It’s funny, but I don’t want perception of the whole class to be reduced to a joke, because it has such amazing potential for varied RP. Bard is one of my favorite classes in the game, yet none of my bard characters are like that.

My bard characters are:

  • a seafaring halfling merchant whose repertoire consists of sea shanties;
  • a Luthien copycat, down to eventually marrying the party’s gruff human fighter at the campaign’s end;
  • a fish-out-of-water tabaxi from Maztica who constantly gets into amusing misunderstandings of Faerunian customs, which she writes down into a notebook she carries.

And two of my multiclass characters who dipped into bard:

  • a warm-hearted Oath of the Ancients paladin who plays the lyre as the apprentice of an NPC bard the party met, the heir to a family tasked with periodically submerging a cursed island with a magic song, in gratitude for instilling him with self-confidence;
  • a cocky Arabian Nights coded air genasi warlock whose spoiling, enabling patron is her genie father, and whose bardic performance consists of sultry exotic dances (as a confidence trick rather than for outright seduction).

My favourite bard concept I’ve ever seen is a Lizardfolk who is considered a maestro among Lizardfolk because they don’t sing, so he carries a triangle and uses single words for all his spells

Healing Word? ding “HEALING.”

Vicious Mockery? ding “SMELLY.”