Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Well, thay are Lawful Evil, any long term relationship bound in contract and blood.

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I got a friend who made a “serious bard” which I quite liked the concept for. They went all in on the persuasive and bluff nature and made a changeling serial killer. In their backstory they had them pick targets that were bad people, lure them in, kill them and take their place. They’d then spend the next year living as that person on a redemption path before vanishing without a trace and redo the process. For their party, they presented as one of these victims.

No flirting because they were aro/ace, and had very little interest in music, instead using speech as their primary function.


Still better than the lich hitting you with Power Word: Kiss.

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That reminds me, do need to RP a priest more because the Power Word/Holy/Shadow Word magic is incredibly cool

Pointing a finger at someone and willing them dead with such force of conviction that it actually kills them? that’s metal as hell

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I think the cat’s mad I’m not going to bed to cuddle him.

Speaking of bards since he is singing the song of his people.


i finished phantom liberty

the gamers here will not like the choice i made



i sided with songbird right up until she told me that she’d played me as well and there was only one cure

so i turned her over to reed

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Understandable but also I’m afraid I’m going to have to flatline you.


patrician’s choice

Rogue Trader is out today, can someone with disposable income please play it so I can download your opinion thanks x

The Avatar game (Big blue aliens that is, not the elemental benders) is out today too iirc

I am highly tempted to get it due to my love for the two movies… Neytiri my beloved.

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it’s currently installing but I got you

Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader (2023) is, simply put, a 10/10 game wearing the skin of a 7/10 game like some sort of appropriately analogistic Chaos Demon. What’s there is good - great, even, with interesting characters, a cutting and in depth look at the Warhammer 40,000 universe and a solid plot throughline which will keep you invested from start to finish.

Unfortunately it’s hindered by a few notable problems. Owlcat is 3 for 3 on releasing games packed to the Voidship with bugs - some features don’t work how they should (or at all), quests and dialogue can frequently break and require reloading a past save (save often, save early!) - and the difficulty curve is less curve and more Warp-induced mutation.

These detract from a great game, and make it only a very good game. In a year of mods and patches it will become a great game. For now, it’s just very good.

8/10, would play for the first time.


Wait for Patch 1 at least, then, the Owlcat special

My Disc Priest will hopefully return when we revisit Quel’thalas.

Don’t get me wrong, playing a supportive type who takes being a medic very seriously is fun for someone who has/does often play frontliners and slightly more brawn over brain types.
But there’s something so satisfying about taking damage in an event, and then just going “Ok, nope, you’re going to the Shadow Realm.”

I’m a healer, however…

“Oh, you thought I was the healer…”



Gotta say, every Hwei player I’ve encountered so far has been awful. I’m going to ride this wave of enjoyment until people get used to him and I get clowned on again, as per usual.

Big boy headache today, oh my. No gaming then, I guess.

Seems like something’s up with reddit, too so I can’t even post sillies.

Everyone’s a critic until the healer starts speaking Shath’yar