Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Damn grats

I’m still struggling to commit to one character LMFAO
I have three now and my main (DRK Au Ra) is nearly 65 ish…

Trying to check out the Amirdrassil zone post-Fyrakk kill and it’s beautiful!!!

But… I try to go in the Barrow Dens with the Druids and instantly get DCd on entry. :sob:

In fact, I sort of locked my character out as now I just immediately DC even on relogging. I guess it had one grace teleport to Lunedane once but I assumed the DC was from dragonriding into the barrow dens. >:(

Second edit - Nerawhine does it again, got teleported back to Lunedane now. :pray:


DRK was my first tank.

Love it dearly (says the edgy RPR main)

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Fun fact, that’s because blizzard did not let the underground areas and water load on server side. Same thing happens when you break out of Nokhud and touch any body of water.

Supposedly, the game has no idea what to do with you since technically the zone does not have a “negative” level to it, so it gets confused and boots you.


It’s my first tank too, I plan on going into Reaper once I finish Stormblood.

Reaper’s great!

I also cannot wait for the new melee, but I think Leo’s staying as a reaper main.

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After 165000 words over two books, and around 80000 words after their first kiss, the protags have finally said “I love you” to each other. Which sounds like a lot (certainly was for me…), but on reviewing the in-universe timeline it comes to about two weeks total in between the two events.


I gave Midjourney a photo of myself barefoot and it redrew it with high heels. I guess it was trained on photos of fashion models or something.

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Don’t pour yourself into the horrific generation amalgam, why D:

I did a few tests because I was curious. I’m not going to do it again, don’t worry!


The Master Tactician damage stacking bug works with grenades as well as psyker powers, meaning that a bunch of people can get in on the fun, not just the warptouched.

Great conversation options I just had though.
A party member inadvertently causes a warp breach inside the ship, spawning some demons. You can, after demonslaying, say “don’t worry, it’s fine, I’ll help find a solution”. The party member then faints from the strain of everything.
You can immediately turn around to another part of your crew and demand they shove the party member out of the airlock, right after you reassure them it’s fine.

It’s good writing to do so too, because it allows you to turn “Don’t worry, I’ll help you” into either a lie or a truth, from the same option, based entirely off your follow up orders.


Had an incredibly funny bug where I ended up killing a psyker companion and their body kept appearing on maps several planets away as a loot marker

I was almost sad when it stopped appearing

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Did she summon one too many bloodletters on turn 1 of the battle with her psyker surge stuff

'cos that’s why she’s perma-benched for me…

My main experience with the first psyker companion you get is that I will ask her to cast a buff, and then she promptly dies and summons a greater demon in my backline.

I’m starting to think her basic ability is just giga cursed.

turns out being a psyker is fraught with risk

(Sister aimed a bolter at her and in the context of the scene it was hard to justify telling her to stop)


Yeah that’s why she’s benched for me. Cassia and Heinrix don’t have that same problem (though Heinrix can summon demons at high veil degradation, silly guy that he is).

Is she bugged or something? There’s 0 veil degradation and the gal pops like a demon infested bubble almost every single time spawning more trouble.

Nah she’s an Unsanctioned Psyker - basically the ‘Wild Mage’ of psykers. She’s got a higher Psy Rating (so her stuff does more damage/higher healing/whatever), but as a result she’s got a 5% chance per power uase to have a WHOOPSIE (this is usually summoning a demon). Risk/reward, but on Daring difficulty…I’ll skip that risk, tyvm.

Heinrix (and the player, if you choose to be one) are Sanctioned Psykers, so their powers are a little weaker, but they need to get high veil degradation in order for the problems to start.

Cassia’s a Navigator so her powers are kinda separate entirely, I’m not sure if she can summon demons at high veil degradation but she doesn’t seem to raise it at all for me (and also there’s an unlockable power for her you can choose to lower veil degradation, so that helps too).

In all WFRP-based/adjacent games, casting magic or space magic always comes with a chance for something going wrong - the results of which can be found on (various) charts. Some of these results wouldn’t really have an impact at all in a video game, which is why only the nastier ones tend to appear, I guess (ie the first thing born in a certain radius around you being born a mutant is not very relevant for your video game)

Navigators, however, do not draw their powers from the Warp like psykers do: rather than summoning energies from the Warp to do stuff, their powers are simply entirely innate to their mutated bodies. Ruleswise, Navigators never roll for Perils of the Warp (ie a miscast) - much like priests in WFRP.

The drawback Navigators get, instead, in the TTRPG (not sure if it’s included in the video game) is that every time they get a new Navigator Power, they need to roll a Toughness (+10) test, and if they fail it they get a new Navigator Mutation (you start with one or more of these as well upon character creation).

I will say that sometimes in Rogue Trader (2023) when you use a psyker power you do get non-dangerous whoopsies. Ones that I remember offhand are “shadows are reversed” and “insects crawl beneath your skin” (okay that one does sound dangerous, but I didn’t see a mechanical penalty for it). I think there was one about being wet too. They just crop up as momentary flavour text.

I don’t believe this is in the game, I’m guessing mostly because they didn’t want their cute iconic box art lady who has a collector’s edition model to get all bloated and mutated mid-game (also so they didn’t have to model new mutations, which would cost dev time).