Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

It makes sense, but it is a shame! Making the scrunkliest little inbred weirdos is all part of the Navigator charm

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Also she has toughness 30 so she would turn into a chaos spawn by the second Lidless Eye

You don’t become a Spawn from these mutations! They just give you weird limb joints, or membrane, or make you super fat and slow, or make everyone around you feel uncomfortable

They all get to stack too, it’s great! You can be grossly bloated AND creepily agile and graceful!

also why yes, my ideal party does look like it’s made up of the cast of Umberto Eco’s Name of the Rose

So apparently there is going to be a The Crow remake…

I miss a good pirate game where I can both fight on land with sword and pistol and sail the seas on my ship where I can decide if I want to be a merchant or a pirate… the last good pirategame I rememer is 20 years old by now. ( The Pirates of the Caribbean one that came with the loosest ties to the movie.)


Eat. The. Rich.
They. Are. The. POISON!!

-slowly headbutts desk-

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I’d suggest not ingesting them then.

Good point.

Turn them into fertiliser.

The ship battle stuff in Rogue Trader is fine, I don’t mind it, except it just feels a bit overtuned, not helped by your initiative apparently always being last in the fight, so the enemy vessels (which always outnumber you) always seem to get a round of just wailing on you before you can even maneuver.

My own fault for playing on Daring, I guess.

There is a pair of talents that increase your intiative, but there is the trouble of the only way for you to make space combat more dynamic and fun is to keep doing it - and sometimes you get caught in a fight with a cruiser and you can’t escape.

There is a project that gives you an escort ship which is immeasurably important, cannot overstate how much they help

I saw those but I’m not a high enough ship level to get them yet! Maybe I should be hitting the next story planet instead of doing side stuff :s

Can we start with US Republicans first? If we got to eat all the rich at once we’ll die of food-poisoning…

Ah, the old Frostpunk tactic…

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Which stack by incident and age in general until they look like slugs ĂĄ la their Dune ancestors.

Frankly the vast majority of the dems are no better, their “far left” like Bernie are all… Center/Center slightly to the right for us.

I just want bad things to happen to rich people.

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Maybe they are not, but atleast the Dems dont want to give Ukraine the middlefinger, and quite frankly that puts them one step higher than the Republicans. Atleast the Dems aren’t open Putler-lovers.


Sea of Thieves? Especially now with PvE mode.


Something we need to get back to playing.


We really do!

Perhaps I ought to look into that sometime yes! I mostly know it from this video:

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