Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Looks like that game would give me motion sickness really fast.


Footage of Aldru in person.

Reading all the posts about people having trouble with their psyker exploding into a demonic portal just sounds to me like they didn’t follow the standard Astra Militarum protocol of having a dedicated soldier with a gun aimed at the psyker’s head at all time.

where do you think the Bloodletter came from

They added PVE to SoT? Like actual honest to god PVE Only?


Slightly soured by you only getting 30% progression on anything. 50 would have been fine, 30 feels needlessly punitive though.
Won’t stop me and friends bumbling around, but still. It does nothing to dim my despising of PVP sweatlords.

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I will take the VERY low rates if it means not being griefed constantly by sweaty kids or having slurs thrown at me half the time.


Yeah, I will also take the low rates to just bum around and do as I please. I got reaper rep to level.

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Have finally met the Spehs Mehren rogue trader companion and he sounds delightfully uncanny in that he is clearly both human and not

excellent work

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I bring bad news…

“You cannot ever earn any Reputation for Athena’s Fortune or Reaper’s Bones in Safer Seas.”

From the FAQ:
Guessing cos Reaper is a PVP rep?

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Yeah Reaper is pvp and Athenas is due to the sage sea capping at 40


There is also an lvl cap on reps, i think its like 45. You also cant use captain ships

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When we all got time we should play again


So apparently the latest patch to WC3 Reforged reverted last year’s campaign overhaul due to instability.

While I welcome the difficulty returning to where it was (1.33 made normal too hard, and I don’t understand what the point of that was), it also meant that all of Kam’s hard work in overhauling the campaign was lost, including a visual update to Silvermoon and Winterspring actually using a winter tileset rather than the Ashenvale one.

It’s amazing how broken that game is that updates just end up making it worse.


Par for the course even before Reforged tbh. I think it was patch 1.24 of TFT that removed a random bit of code so nearly every custom map in wc3 history stopped working.

They never fixed it in the end, so only maps which got updated were still playable. The rest got lost to history.


Remind me to reinstall it.

AoE2 has the same syndrome. Despite loving the game (and hating the community), the devs right now have sort of obtained a reputation where each update to the game is making it worse. Must really suck to be one of the devs atm. :skull:

i continue my adventure towards the end of baldurs gate 3

act 3 spoils

i faced the dragon under wyrms rock

the emperor is balduran apparently which is interesting i guess. still doesn’t make me hate him any less though, and if anything i now hate him more because he killed his dragon friend

now though, karlach has a sword that is likely to turn any other big enemy in this game to mush immediately.

i also stormed shadowheart’s old frat house and killed them all. this was a difficult fight that required me to use divine intervention to keep us all alive. what i didn’t expect was for the boss to also use divine intervention which almost wiped us right as we were about to win

i told her to kill her parents because it’s what kylo ren would do


glad to hear akamito is doing the right thing (making the exact same choices i did)

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Why didn’t she just cast Revivify on them afterwards? Is she stupid?