Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

when i cast speak to the dead to see how they feel about what just happened

AoE2? As in Age of Empires 2? What?

Yes, Age of Empires 2 (Definitive Edition, to be precise).

god of war and final fantasy 16 dropping dlc on the same week is very uncool

also good luck to me trying to remember how to play both of them at endgame to be able to do the new content


I admit to playing only super casually, but how’ve they made it worse?

Essentially, the one meme about AoE2:DE is pathing issues, though you could say that for the entire game. DE compared to HD overall still had better pathing a few years ago (villagers were overall more efficient even though when you looked at your villagers you often saw them getting stuck or bumping into eachother endlessly; military units freeze, stutter, don’t move like they did in HD with collision etc), so almost every time there’s a new patch there’s a line about ‘pathing improvements’.

One of the more recent patches had a preview-option for single player only, intended to be the ‘beta-testing’ for the devs so everyone could try it out and give feedback, and the few who did said that it felt better for military units, where melee units finally aren’t that dumb any more.

Well, turns out the feedback was useless, because the new pathing algorithm actually caused several new problems, that the most recent update apparently is meant to fix now. But who knows what else broke. Part of the IT adage, fix one bug and 7 new appear. All in all, the continuous attempt at improving and accidentally making things worse has led to more acerbic reactions towards the devs in some communities.

In addition to all this, playing at custom lobbies has been for a year at least extremely awful, where the lobby browser doesn’t work properly (for some reason it broke at some point); more recently a bug was introduced where if someone gets kicked or leaves the lobby, you’ll have to close that spot after because the lobby will bug out otherwise and crash on start… I think they attempted to fix that now and instead a bug was introduced where if someone gets kicked or leaves the lobby, you gotta rehost the entire lobby instead or it will crash.

Alongside some more minor bugs that get introduced to the game and make it worse.

Regarding the new pathing from the very recent update, apparently some units can teleport due to a bug with pathing, but that I don’t think is the most egregious bug any more so… :person_shrugging:

If you play AoE2 casually, in single player, the most you might’ve noticed is simply villagers getting stuck now and then, because if you don’t micro anything at all during military fights you probably wouldn’t even know about pathing issues as much. But it’s one of the reasons why ranged units have been heavily favoured over melee units by the playerbase, because ranged units can stack up on eachother and melee units will bug out trying to reach them as they’ll start colliding with each other. I think in the Voobly patches, the melee units could move on top of them and thus take better fights, and I’m not sure if I prefer that option anyway, but yeah. If you wanted to calculate the effectiveness of a 40-pop melee army, you can’t just multiply that unit’s stats with 40, you’ll have to take into account melee pathfinding and reduce that number by like, a lot.

Hmn, fair enough.
At least they are trying to fix/improve things, though. Better than “Yeah, it’s good. No? Lol skill issue” like some dev teams seem to do.

Sounds mostly like a ‘players wanting everything to be perfect first time and not understanding what spaghetti code is like and getting whingey’ thing, although maybe I’m just being jaded and cynical with how Stupid™ internet denizens seem these days :grimacing:

oh the first minister of wales is suddenly retiring at short notice

i wonder why

moving to magaluf. or as mark calls it, shagaluf

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if i had a penny for everytime a devolved leader suddenly resigned midway through their term ahead of a scandal drop

i’d have 1 penny, but probably soon to be 2

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was health stuff either, dude’s not young

it’s time to roll the dice loras and see where it lands

given the state of the UK i would think that is overly optimistic but would be a pleasant surprise

a quick google shows that his wife of nearly 50 years passed away this year too

fingers crossed. he always seemed like a good lad, which is what makes me so wary

I think if it was a scandal he’d resign immediately, but he won’t be gone from post until spring next year

He also apparently said he’d stay in power for five years.
It’s five years and a day. And, as Loras said, your partner dying after so long together is probably enough to make anyone want to throw public work/politics in the bin moreso than normal.

the welsh are just built different. we resign when we’re ready, not when we’ve done something absolutely deranged

please ignore carwyn jones


Meanwhile, in England, the Parasites continue to cling to the grim death :unamused:

today i remembered that my dad is welsh

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Perhaps you’re my secret brother. It’s possible, my dad wasn’t knowing for respecting the monogamous nature of marriage very much.