Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

funny, my dad was like that too

It’s all adding up…

I left my earbuds on the train last night. I’ve never lost anything in my entire life like this, by leaving something behind.

I. Am. SAD.



Blizzard making the runebear form from Aurostor such a low drop chance is a huge pile of bull :poop:

World bosses should not drop cosmetics like that at a low % rate


Me: “Dear random number god, please give my druid alt any 441 chestpiece whatsoever so I can unlock the LFR tier robe transmog”

Last week’s LFR: bupkis

Weeklies: boots I already have, boots I already have, staff I already have

Great Vault: boots, trinket, bracers

Time to run LFR this week, I guess. It has been my fifth week doing 10.2 content on that character…


Bobby Kotick looking to buy West Ham.

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no way lmao

10% share in it apparently.

bobby kotick forever blowing bubbles

I have a confession

I don’t think I like Alexstrasza.
Probably more the writers than the VA, but every time she opens her mouth it feels like she’s reading a heavily editorialised speech. It just feels off to me, like you could prepend everything she says with “My fellow Valdrakkians”

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hoping it happens on the basis that i hate both of them and football clubs are notorious moneysinks

also because it would add to my agenda of how english football needs an independent regulator to stop bad owners getting hold of clubs that should be protected institutions due to how deeply they’re ingrained into local communities - things such as big bobby shouldn’t be able to pass the fit and proper ownership test due to his rep at blizz but ultimately the money will talk

love the soccerball me hope to see some goals INGERLAND !!

I’ve been generally been pretty middling on her but the whole rebel drakonid questline had her come across as a boneheaded moron and I simply cannot, nor will not ever get over it.

It was so awful and I can no longer bring myself to do anything other than roll my eyes whenever she’s presented.

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How embarrassing.

come on now it’s called winterspring not winterwinter why wouldn’t it use a spring tileset


It is the kind of mess I should expect from something being outsourced and google translated back and forth.

It’s so bad that it’s probably not salvageable except by dedicated modders, and modders probably can’t make something like the First and Second War campaigns we desperately need in 3D

Andre Braugher, the actor who played Captain Holt in Brooklyn-99 among many other roles has passed away :frowning:

Winterspring in the original Warcraft 3 / pre Reforged wasn’t snowy, either, so I don’t think it’s some accidental thing that they made Winterspring not snowy in Reforged


There’s quite a bit of different between Warcraft 3’s geography and WoWs tbqh (nevermind 2 or 1’s). For a long time Alterac had access to its own ports which Gilneas wanted to challenge Kul- I digress.

A shame we’ve never seen Venetia though.


She probably is.
She’s a queen and political figure. You don’t say things off the cuff.
Nozdormu stops time and she is helped with what she has to say.

There’s a good character in Alexstrasza, but it’s rarely realised unfortunately

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