Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Un’goro is also where we first got Tortollan from. In Heartstone.

And Kalimos (I am peeved he was not given a boss encounter in Dragonflight, his whole thing is being the Primal Elements Guy)

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I did not miss having to sim my vault rewards to figure out wtf is an upgrade.

Dear Peevers what do you think is the better upgrade? The 480 belt (Up from a 467) or a 480 Cloak (up from 454)?

If you said cloak you were wrong and that is why I hate the gearing system in WoW.

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It’s a lot worse for augvokers, who simulationcraft refuses to sim : )

You can usually play upgrades by ear when you have an idea of which secondary stats are best for you (there’s almost always one that’s best and one that’s worst) but to be sure the only way is to sim

I feel so sorry for Augvokers and that is why I picked the biggest ilvl upgrade on mine from my vault.

But man I wish blizz would just simplify the gearing system, it used to be easy prior to WoD :weary:

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Augvoker gearing is ‘you need more mastery. no, more mastery. more. MORE. hit the diminishing returns cap and keep going, coward’


I made my first Dracthyr yesterday to go through DF with, made her a bronze dragon augment because the spec seemed fun!

Not done any dungeons yet, but I like the gameplay.

As a BM I have no prefference for stats really, prefer Crit but anything goes.
As SV its all about haste then DR hits, then Crit and Versa then more haste and Mastery GOES IN THE BIN

Augmentation is very chill, I quite like it from being a BRD main on FF and just buffing people.


Warcraft 2 was ported to W3 ages ago.

This really. I miss Alexstrasza who was still benevolent and kind, but also ready to throw down when it was needed. When she was freed from captivity, the first thing she did was either eat/burn Nekros, then immedeatly take the fight to Deathwing, though hopelessly outmatched.

Then in Cataclysm, same location, she battles Deathwing again while the latter’s been further empowered by N’zoth and she still manages to nearly fight him to a stalemate as they both fell from the sky. Deathwing just recovered faster.

Then in Dragonflight she battles Raszageth, again even though she’s weakened without her Aspect Powers, while Raszageth is fully intact. And okay , only reason she survived that one was due to Raszageth preferring to gloat rather than finish the job, but still.

Anyhow, that’s the Alextrasza I miss, the one who retained her kindness but was not afraid to do battle if she felt she had to. She’s not too bad in DF, save for the dragonspawn stuff, just wish she’d speak a little faster rather than her slow speech.


It’s a lot of fun to play in 5-mans - as long as you have a good way of keeping track of Ebon Might you can auto-cast most of it and do well!

In raids it’s a bit more complicated if you want to do well because you need to identify who the best DPS are to Prescience and stay close to them, but it’s still engaging


I’m cancelling you

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Leo over the last few days has chosen to be as naughty as possible.


It was? I know they were making the WC2 campaign but far as I knew they’d only finished the first missions of the orc campaign.

He knows Santa already made the list and he knows he is good. So he is taking out all the bad now.


That is all.


Oops, forgot to write the reply. I mean - yeah, they are I think genuinely trying to do better, but then you have to think why are they so incompetent. Lowkey, I think Microsoft might be bearing down on them more since recently they released a cosmetic DLC pack for… animated avatars. I’m starting to get seedlings of doubt wrt how much money they’re going to try and squeeze out of it instead of fixing things.

Another problem is that when they do release new DLCs, they also bring new problems, so people feel like ‘can you just fix the stuff before releasing new things?’ especially when the new DLCs are at a higher price (for same amount of content). Of course a lot of it is due to spaghetti code, but you’d think a Definitive edition would be your prime opportunity to rebuild the game without the spaghetti soup.

Moofing is illegal, you’re going to jail!

He already knew he was getting coal.


-Cackles, and Zoomies through the house-


you know what you did (idk what i did though)

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Actual peeve: Old wound I had surgery on two times now has broken open for the -third- time and it is severely starting to piss me off. Atleast I am not hurting anymore, which is a plus, but knowing my luck, I’m in for a third surgery and probably another 7-9 weeks of recovery if I’m really unlucky…

Edit: And I got to wait until tuesday until the wound’s actually gonna be examined.