Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

yeah to be fair it seems to have worked because james somerton, who i’d never heard of before, seems to have been wiped clean off the map


in the time i could watch a video essay on drama about youtubers i do not know or care about, i could instead watch The Name of the Rose twice

i know which way to go


see you in the comments section, comrade

i have no idea what this is

but yes

childlike snicker

a very good movie based on an even better book! it’s on youtube as well, incidentally

It’s also an incredible live number.

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So despite the death glare yesterday, his 2nd costime arrived.


He is plotting murder. While looking adorable

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That mild chilli powder is NOT mild.

I return after being put into jail again. This time it wasn’t warranted - that article Loras posted about Hasbro that I quoted got slammed by the automated systems (I ASSUME) because the CEO’s surname is a word that rhymes with ‘docks’.

Some people are just called that though! My own mother’s maiden name is/was a similar word that rhymes with ‘kicks’.

Also I wanted to reply to this sooner but I was in jail. @Lintian did you know that Uldum was originally going to have a major subplot about the Sunwalkers.

Originally, instead of Aponi+co. inventing them, they’d be a rediscovered ancient order that the tauren find out about in Uldum once it was unlocked. That was scrapped, and the only asset that remained of it was this

Which went unused in the game until it was finally added in a rando room in Karazhan in Legion.


I didn’t. That’s interesting! Wish it was still canon so I could roleplay it out.

Continuity exists to enhance the story, not to tie the hands of its creator. :slight_smile:

After they were succesfully bullied into the warden set not being super lame, the next step is bullying them into making transmog better.

Everyone wins!


Automated moderation is a ridiculous concept, especially with no efficient appeals and compensation system if mistakes are made.

Just grinding more compstomp so I have a huge batch of marks of honour for when i want something else

We were robbed of so much with the changes to Uldum.

That’s fair, but I still don’t want to step on people’s toes with what’s essentially headcanon.

Lintian is, by her very vocation, interested in kaldorei folklore, ancient scrolls, pre-imperial traditions of Elune worship, and the like. By necessity I have to invent her findings, but I never claim them to be the definitive accounts of what night elf society was back then. They’re always some obscure local traditions specific to a given community, and for all we know, they may even be forged.

And here, for example , I used the “classified information” excuse to avoid contradicting other people’s headcanon on the subject.

Finally, my set updated on Delsaya.

So I’m a little way into act 3 of Rogue Trader, and I’m aware of a chivo to hand over 3 specific party members to the Inquisition. As such, I recruited one I probably wouldn’t do otherwise. My ‘in-character’ explanation for this is we can use him to get out of our current predicament, and then as soon as we’re back on the ship I hand him over. The Inquisition gets a source of information, everyone wins.

Unfortunately you’re not able to convey such an idea to your allies, so they’re getting all mad at me about it! Just trust me that I’m going to betray the evil xeno as soon as we’re done here. It’s fine! We’re cool!

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