Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Finished it, enjoyed it very, very much.

Got IDed going into the pub.

Flattered, but seriously, I am over 30.


The “Like the Wind” Kirin Tor world quests are really buggy if you try to do them flying. Sometimes you get stuck in midair unable to move, sometimes the entire obstacle course despawns if you move just slightly out of the way.

Sure, I could do them as intended, but that’s time-consuming. Besides, “The Magic of Flight” quests don’t have this problem and are a breeze to do by flying.

Edit: I spoke too soon. The “The Magic of Flight” quest in Stormheim has teleported me into a cavity inside the giant vrykul statue, from where I couldn’t get out except by teleporting. First time it ever did that.

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Yeah, I remember those being obnoxious even way back in Legion. I was wondering what ‘Like the Wind’ world quests you meant since I don’t remember seeing them in Dragonflight, but you just unlocked that repressed memory in me.

i want reparations tbh


Sea of Stars is patching out some youtuber’s cameo because apparently he stole some charity money or something. :wave:

Game devs stop putting real people in your games though, fr fr.


Raszageth is the most frustrating LFR boss I’ve ever fought, and that’s counting N’Zoth.

It’s total chaos, people don’t know what to do, and there are tons of punishing mechanics. People keep getting lost to instant death mechanics even overgeared. I’ve joined two LFR groups by now. One kept wiping on her even after reaching like five determination stacks. The other was such total chaos with people bickering with each other that I just left, since I had to go to an RP event soon. Still haven’t got her killed.

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My kingdom for a story difficulty.

LFR is frustrating because it’s so ‘low stakes’ that people refuse to try and just expect a carry, even on bosses where that’s simply not viable, and who cares if they do nothing? The people you’re playing with aren’t ‘people’, they’re forgettable bodies who will vanish into the ether of the internet the moment the dungeon ends, so there’s little in the way of social pressure to apply yourself.

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Garalon flashbacks

My kingdom for a story difficulty in FFXIV–

(runs away from an angry mob with torches and pitchforks)

When you look up the origins of the coeurl and go down a rabbit hole.

Am I allowed to name a tentacled alien cat-like creature a coeurl? I don’t want to call it a displacer beast either (yes, they have the same origin).

EDIT: While I am in this rabbit hole-- biomechanical cat-like creature? Xenomorph but cat with tentacles?

van Vogt collected an out-of-court settlement of $50,000 from 20th Century Fox. For Alien being um… more than a little like the Coeurl in Black Destroyer.*

*In story only, obviously the Xenomorph itself was designed by HR Giger himself based on two pieces of his artwork.

Praying that the new Companion Dungeons will extend to Companion Raids.

I, for the most part, simply Do Not Care about ‘super sweet loot’ I just want to start and finish the damn story.
The only reason I ventured into Normal Amirdrassil was because I got hella impatient and wasn’t willing to wait another week for LFR for two whole bosses, just to finish the story arc (and get the cosmetic armour).

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Related cosmetic peeves; the Nelf Heritage armour belt/legs sit too damn low; if you have a shirt or any full armoured top, there’s a noticeable gap at the waist, meaning you cannot mix and match parts whatsoever, or cover things with an undershirt.

And, since that’s the case, being unable to COLOUR match things is such a pain.
AND we STILL don’t have any access at all to the ‘Elite’ versions of the recolour of the Darkshore armour sets;

You have, it’s called normal mode :smirk:

Hit 2.5k M+ rating or whatever. M+ still isn’t hard, it’s just full of random BS that will 1-shot and that has been agreed to by my 3k+ friends.
Only people who are bad thinks M+ is harder than raid and that’s my elitist take of the century.

Sure, if you don’t mind me dying like five times on every Endwalker trial and barely contributing to the fight because I’m too busy trying to avoid twenty AoEs, half of which aren’t even telegraphed and end up coming from some element from outside the boss arena that I was supposed to be watching but of course the game won’t tell me that.

WoW LFR and even normal raiding is downright relaxing compared to this.

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Unless you are doing Ultimate everything in FFXIV is telegraphed. Literally savage has it telegraphed too but at a much shorter duration.

Then you havent paid attention to any combat stuff from start to end, they teach this already in ARR and I can unironically say if you still struggle with it it is a skill issue and something to either learn or shell for a carry/ask friends.

I find normal raids in FFXIV to be much more chill than WoWs and that is saying something when LFR has been dumbed down to what it is.

That said I am aware and understand your focus is RP but sometimes you gotta learn something out of your normal enjoyment area if you want story elements.
At least they dont lock story behind PVP.

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Reacher season 2 finally started!

Admech being more human than most.

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Big mood, Opticon

I love the imperfect translators - later on he describes a situation as a ‘discussion//ceasefire’

See, this is what I told about when I I joked about the angry mob. I complain that FFXIV trials are too hard and get guilt-tripped and told it’s a me problem.

Thanks for confirming the stereotype.

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This season has been much better with dungeon balancing than S2 and S1.

Bolster can go suck a fat one tho.