Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Is it confirming the stereotype? There’s simply a set difficulty set for something that that devs use as a baseline based on data gathered.

Sure it sucks to not be “good enough” for something, but insulting the community for it seems like a weird move. It’d be like going to FromSoft game forums and being surprised that people tell you to git gud.

I’m not insulting the community, I’m joking about the attitudes.

I have no interest in Soulsborne games, never played one, and am not going to, because my primary interest in RPGs is and has always been the story, not challenging boss fights.

Baseline difficulty is subject to survivor bias. The data gathered comes from players who cared enough to continue playing. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle.

FFXIV prides itself for being accessible, and my point is that its current content is not accessible enough. Solo duties have a difficulty switch that goes from “not difficult” to “pretty much impossible to lose”. It’s group content that I have issue with. It felt fun until the last 4.0 dungeon, after which point the difficulty suddenly surged through the roof.

I don’t play content for the sake of playing content. My primary interest is story and RP. I play MSQ for the story and then basically don’t touch content again until the next patch, I just RP. I understand that when you actually enjoy doing content and do it for its own sake, it might seem easy and you might find it hard to relate to people who don’t do that.

WoW accommodates for this type of player. FFXIV doesn’t. It could, and it would bring it wider appeal. That’s my point.


While not in MMO’s very much, there has been a shift in games lately I think, at least in RPGs, to often include more “story mode” options & accessibility. Because in the end, it doesn’t hurt anyone, the more standard difficulties are still there.


I don’t find the normal difficulty trials of EW to be especially difficult personally (and when my brain fails me I just choose someone who knows what they’re doing to follow around like a lost lamb) but I broadly agree with Lintian’s sentiments.

Same. Haven’t played a Souls game, will likely never play a Souls game. They’re not what I play RPGs for.

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Watched the latest episode of Frieren and you just know Fern was on cloud nine the whole time. Girl is stupid in love with the dumbest man alive.

Meanwhile Frieren:

Peeve: 40k 10th Edition may well be what causes me to go on hiatus again. It’s just… I got a load of the new Marine models (which I still like) when the edition came out, ready to make a list and get gaming again…

It feels like the army has lost its identity over the past 2/3 editions. It feels like the game has cut down on bloat, and yet somehow remained bloated elsewhere? The removal of granualar points costs (i.e. a Unit has one points cost, regardless of what options it takes, and that’s IT) after 9 whole :peach: editions is… frankly stupid?

If the Ork Codex doesn’t allow me to make either a good Blood Axe (Cunnin’ but Brutal) army or Bad Moons (Dakkadakkadakka) then I think I’ll stick to Blood Bowl and Warlord games Bolt Action instead, which actually remember what fun is, rather than ‘Lets design this for all the tournmant sweatlords instead’ :unamused:

In what way do you mean, here? All of the previous flavours of Space Marine get their own detachment, just with a more generic name (ie you can run an all jump pack army with your army painted as Imperial Fists without having to say they’re Raven Guard) - Marines are in a really good spot in general

I’m still holding out here with the worst possible index rules written with my Drukhari/Dark Eldar, which were penned by someone who obviously hates them in about an afternoon, and where every unit that is slightly less bad gets nerfed because Eldar get to use them and Eldar are too strong

if eldar have fun you have to start picking models off one by one as She Who Thirsts claims them

It’s a mixture of the loss of Chapter Rules (I enjoyed the thematics for Crimson Fists) but moreso for the actual unit design.

Oldschool Marine armies were very much the ‘Jack of All Trades’ list; you had Tactical, Devastator and Assault squads as your core, then the flexibility of Scouts, Veterans and Armour etc. You could have a balanced mixture, you could go thematic (Heavy Bolter Devs for Fists, etc) and you could tailor even Tactical Squads to be either specialist or broad scope.

Now? We might as well just go back to using Heresy era units, because everything is mono-loadout. Even the Command Squad, which I was initially hyped to finally get back, is a huge letdown because it’s a bit of a nothing-burger. It’s a One Loadout unit that can ONLY be taken with a Captain (Librarians and Chaplains? Pfft) and so it looks cool but not much else.
Intercessors are nowhere near as flexible as Tactical Squads were, but get objectively better bolters for no discernible reason.
Hellblasters are decent but, again, nowhere near the flexibility of Devastators.
Assault squads got wholesale replaced by Assault Intercessors, so it’s kind of a moot point now, but they lost out on options as well.
Scouts are finally back, but lost the Sniper variant entirely.

I realise from a non-Marine player perspective its probably a lot of Nothing, but it’s noticeable from this side. There’s a lot of very redundant units (Infiltrator/Incursors, who asked for them? Don’t get me started on Reivers) and a lot of bloat in the army list, along with rules limits that really hurt (Rhinos and Razorbacks STILL cannot transport Primaris units, for GOD knows what stupid festering reason)

It’s messy. That’s the short of it; there’s stupid design choices, lack of options that used to be commonplace, and bloat that 1) isn’t fun to work around, 2) gets the army complained about from others who haven’t had new options for ages. I get it, but… you don’t want this.

(Caveat: I’m saying all this from the perspective of someone who, while obviously playing a game to win, rates Fun and fluff far higher than being super ‘Meta’ or a Competitive player, so mileage may vary!)



praise sigmar, the Hellblaster has made it to 40k too


(it’s what the eldar call slaanesh)

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Can I field an army of just dreadnoughts

Friend of mine runs a whole army of just this and they can do some real sneaky stuff, actually!

I would love it.

The entire Drukhari index revolves solely around getting as many Dark Lances on the board as possible, because it’s literally the only good weapon in the entire army. If I want a fun game, I need to tailor my list based on what my opponent is bringing or I will lose by default.

The way you win games with them is to shoot stuff with your Dark Lances, and have all your other units running around the side of the board staying in cover to try and score objectives, but to not fight because everything is awful at fighting. Your shooting, if it’s not a Dark Lance, is at best mediocre. Your melee, unless it’s Lelith, is bad. Your next codex will likely remove yet more units from your army list. The most recent thing you got was a single unit in years, which was an upgrade sprue for Kill Team, but they couldn’t be bothered making a profile for said unit for 40k so it’s not actually a unit.

Issues such as “my unit can only take on loadout” (same for half of the units in my index) and “there’s too many unit options” are issues I wish were the only ones for the army/armies I like to play and paint

Yes. Least I think Blood Angels can.

Space Wolves can do all dreadnoughts

Bjorn as leader + up to 3 of whichever dreadnought variants you want

Marines are pretty much the most flexible codex around with what kind of armies you can build

the dreadnaughts specialise in fashion shows, for even in death they still serve



Chicks dig giant robots.

I guess all I can say then is that the current iteration of the Codex does not ‘vibe’ with me at all, then. I’ve always gone for fluff over meta, and right now I just am running into a mental roadblock with list building, for whatever reason.

Who knows, maybe it’s just the continuous chuddery of certain people online (not here) that has worn me down with regards to Warhammer heh.

I’m not sure what it is, other than that Marine units are very, very specialized, generally speaking, now then - chapter rules are pretty much still there, but moved to the detachment sections and stripped of specific chapter names, in the end.

Most armies only get one or two ways to play with their indexes; Marines have had a lot since the start of 10th to the point as someone that doesn’t care for their lore or their miniatures in the slightest I’d almost (almost!) consider playing them. Most of them are playable, if not meta, too!

the only way to play drukhari is dark lance spam or you can just pack up your army before turn 1 begins, only way to play guard feels like its artillery spam and i couldn’t think of anything more boring, sisters just get to be worse than marines in every way

And likewise thank you for confirming I guess another stereotype.
Unfortunately it is not nice hearing you’re bad at something, but sometimes its a thing you need to be told to start improving. Normal mode FF raids are just as easy as LFR is on WoW which is intentional for story focused players being able to clear and experience that part of the story.

Except it is much more accessible than WoW ever will be.

And at what point is that enough, I am genuinely curious as the only other solution I could see is just skipping group/instanced content as a whole, which at points would make the story disjointed.

Wack, while there is a little step-up in difficulty from SB to ShB (4.0-5.0) it is not more than the ARR to HW and HW to SB or ShB to EW, the curve is quite gradually leaning.

Yes and I pointed this out in my reply as well, but you can’t have your cake and eat it.

I’ve a friend for whom FF is their first MMO and they went from panicking at every mechanic despite me and some others guiding them through it to be confident enough to do normal raids and have shown interest in learning EX trials.
So yeah, I can infact relate by secondhand experience. I can also put my own struggle on adapting from WoW to FFXIV style of gameplay, but that wouldn’t really be the same due to the levels of play from a complete newbie to MMOs vs a veteran.

Difference lies in not giving up or going “Its too hard!!” and that is a personal issue and mindset difference you either need to overcome or accept that you will miss out on some story content for a few years.

They both accomodate and in a very similar vein as well, WoW is even taking a page from FFXIVs book and adding NPC dungeons in a future patch.

I don’t get the soulsborne comparison to MMORPGs as they’re very different genres of games.

So I hear! But it’s still annoying to be randomly killed from uninteruptible casts from a group of mobs with random targetting all firing off at you or being leapt at by two mobs again unavoidable.

Bolster is still a sucky affix, that and Tyrannical/Fortified honestly needs to go.

I still stand by what I say when M+ is not hard, there’s nothing skill related to most of the mechs and at least in my humble experience so far my deaths were all from random casts all going on me at the sametime or being stuck on terrain while moving from some ground AoE. Such skill, much WoW.

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