Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

How many flashlights can you deploy for one artillery piece

I disagree with pretty much your entire post, but I’m not interested in discussing this subject to death and mutual bitterness.

But in short, yes, I’m not asking for group content to be nerfed, I’m asking for the ability to skip it for people who don’t want to do it at all and are only here for the story.

Now please leave me be.

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Depends on which artillery piece, and who is holding them

20x Guardsmen or Cadians = 2 Field Ordnance Batteries (1 unit, 2 guns)
20x guardsmen/cadians + 15 pts spare = 1 Basilisk
~ 28 guardsmen/cadians = 1 Deathstrike missile launcher
~ 18 guardsmen/cadians = 1 Wyvern or Hydra
20x guardsmen/cadians = 1 Manticore

Cadians and regular guardsmen are 60 points for 10 and can be taken in units of 10-20
Catachans are 55 points for 10, units of 10-20
Death Korps of Krieg is 65 points for 10, can be taken in units of 10-20
Heavy weapon squads are 60 points for 3 heavy weapons, you could count them as artillery as well (especially the mortars)

Death Korps get to respawn dead guys and are the toughest so usually what you want to do is take a few blobs of 20 of those, a few scout sentinels (they make your artillery hit more easily), some dude on a horse, and then just lots of artillery that won’t ever move or peek out from cover

Infantry spam is viable in that you can still win games with it, and potentially having 250+ guys and maybe one tank on the field is more fun than a line of artillery behind cover

All tank armies unfortunately suck right now and are in too poor of a place to be played :frowning:

what do you call a lasgun with a flashlight attachment


(it’s very funny that they have flashlight reputation then every recent video game shows them punching holes in people)

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That cat.

He’s been fed, I don’t know what else he wants.


Kisses and attention.

You can watch it on Youtube or video sharing platform of choice then.
But I won’t engage further as a whole, feel free to block or don’t, I’m not your parental figure or superior.

escort to the bathroom and more food.

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There’s a difference between watching someone else play through a game’s story and experiencing it yourself.

WoW lets me experience pretty much the entire story without ever setting foot in a raid. Even LFR. Sure, I might have to wait a few weeks until the raid requirement is removed, but eventually the option is there.

They’re good weapons!

Impact is comparable to that of high-powered modern guns, they pretty much never jam, a single magazine can have upwards of a hundred shots in it while being pretty compact, and magazines can be recharged with regular power outlets preferably, but if it needs be by tossing it in a campfire and leaving it there for a bit, it’s literally the dream

My Escher gang for Necromunda got them really cheap, and with some upgrades (high-powered shots + a scope for better long-distance aiming) they became really, really terrifying weapons that never ran out of ammo (an actual concern in the tabletop game!)

This is the true core of the Imperial Guard, and it warms my heart to see it alive and well.

In fairness I don’t remember being all that effective in Dawn of War 1, but also I will age a thousand thousand years if I remember how old that game is.

They’re definitely more potent in Rogue Trader, but it seems like mostly against the ally of the wielder rather than the enemy. “Friendly” fire indeed.

Once the guardsmen have a helpful reminder in the form of a Commisar bullet to the head they shot real good, extremely effective anti-infantry

if you will not serve in combat, you will serve on the firing line

20-man squads of Death Korps are really, really difficult to remove for most armies (except space marines with their grenade launcher unit)

But honestly lasguns can get pretty crazy - comparing stats for a lasgun with several upgrades in Necromunda vs a Boltgun (which can’t take any funny upgrades), you’ve got a gun that is cheaper, with similar range, similar armor-penetrating capabilities and strength, that is easier to shoot with and is much easier to find ammo for, vs the boltgun which gets to fire 1-3 shots vs 1 shot every turn. Not that rules are the be-all end all for comparing weapons, obviously, but I think it does help illustrate lasguns as being good weapons despite the endless deluge of memes

I still find it laughable that any Bolt weapon can have an AP of 0, tbh.
They’re firing gyro-jet-alike grenade ammunition for heavens sake. It’s enough to make me almost miss the old days of 5th/6th where it was AP5 on bolters.

I guess a part of my problem is having started playing Bolt Action, where the tactics, understanding of your army, adapting to your opponents army, and a little bit of luck in how the dice come out of the bag (random unit activations is actually so much more enjoyable than it might sound) as opposed to WHs very stilted feeling turn-by-turn approach.

It maybe helps that Bolt Action was designed by Rick Priestley and Allesio Cavatore. Even though most of the faction books are carry overs from 1st edition, they work just fine with a minor errata for how HE shells work.
Otherwise, the base stats for every weapon work the same, every unit based on veterancy, etc. It’s a very simple system. I realise 40k has layers more complexity than that, but it’s the fact it doesn’t simply where it easily could do that is borderline infuriating.

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Me playing Sisters of Battle with S4 AP0 Rapid Fire 1 Boltguns vs Space Marines with S4 AP-1 Boltguns that fire 2 shots by default and have both Assault for the advance + shoot and Heavy for the 2+ to hit. Miserable times!

Necromunda Bolters have AP-1 by default. Horus Heresy bolters are still AP5!

Only if you have Intercessors. Tactical Squad use the exact same profile as Sisters.
Also, two things can be Bad at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Ok, no, you’re right. Sisters still have the Rapid Fire 1 variant. Otherwise same S, same lack of Ap, same damage.

Which, again, is stupid across the board. All bolt weapons, for tabletop purposes, should be sharing a stat line. Why make a bazillion variants of shots, damage, keywords etc? Maybe one or two, but it’s stupid at present.

Edit 2: Frankly I’d make all Bolters (and remove Bolt ‘rifles’ as a title entirely since they already removed their variants) should be 24" 2 S4 AP-1 D2, with the [Heavy] keyword; for humans because they’re chunky things, for Marines because if they stop and aim they’re even more lethal.

And I’d happily bin off the ‘eh’ Oath of Moment to give Marines [Assault] on all normal bolters, as well as something like the old Know No Fear or Combat Squads, or something more fluff friendly.

(I’d also like Morale to mean something again, because you know it’s bad when even The Old World previews look like they have a better, more meaningful system than 40k does right now)

I believe space marines use special, bigger bolters that would take your shoulder out your socket if you tried to fire one, so there is some logic to that

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does anyone have a copy of White Dwarf 243 in pdf format btw

Morale was always more important/impactful in WHFB from what I recall (I first played 40k with 5th edition, though)! I think it’s actually pretty significant in 40k as well as is, just in a different way (not being able to be targeted with strategems or, even worse, not being able to contest objectives are huge deals!)

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True, they carry guns large enough to conventionally be mounted on vehicles while the big guns are vehicle sized, mounted on ludicrously larger vehicles.