Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Hit a game-killing bug in Rogue Trader at the end of act 3 which is completely preventing progression.

Oh Owlcat, will you never learn?

I wish to read a long fic
But many of them are long because they drag out random things and descriptions
Wanting snappy writing but long

They’re half owl, half cat. How are they supposed to concentrate when someone just put a cup on the counter?

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Grocery delivery was missing two items. Nothing crucial, but I am gonna complain about it and ensure I get a refund. >:(

If a druid eats an entire deer in bear form and morphs back to normal, do they burst?

Are contemporary druids allowed to hunt and eat animals in that fashion

They have classes in highmountain about flying, and telling students to refrain from eating worms in bird form so there’s some discouragement from giving in to beastly instincts.

Sea of Thieves is mostly enjoyable again, with Safer Seas.

Just me and a friend, goofing around in a sloop, yeeting ourselves on to (and over…) islands with cannons, bullying skeletons, getting bullied by the Megaladon and the apparently more numerous Skelly Sloops.

You wouldn’t think I get scared of deep, shark infested water, huh? :rofl:


This happened to me and a friend.

From my friend’s PoV:

EDIT: legend has it, I became a flying vampire.


100% completed Sea of Stars last night. Thoroughly enjoyable game.

Too bad I played the version where The Completionist is still in it.

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Apparently he’s being replaced by Bob the Builder.

bad idea. wherever bob is thinks inevitably break and go wrong


Mmm, tasty tasty 13 hour sleep


I’m too cold. Please someone make it slightly warmer. Thanks

who’s the completionist

Youtuber who stole a bunch of charity money or something.

oh dear oh dear

part of a group of youtubers that includes projared and jontron

he seemed like a decent guy, but then as they always do, turned out not to be

he and his family run a charity which run events for donations to be passed on to dementia research, as his mum died of it. he in particular ran an event online every year called indieland which highlighted indie games with 100% of the proceeds going directly to research

except he got exposed a few weeks ago by another youtuber who discovered that none of the money had been donated in the charities lifetime and was just sitting in an account, despite the completionist frequently naming places that the money was going during the events

then as they dug more into it it seems like some of the money may even have been going missing so very sus indeed

his response came a month later straight after 600k was finally donated to a charity, but did little to nothing to explain what had happened or address any of the particularly serious allegations. he also said he was coming after the ones who exposed him for slander, despite basically admitting fraud within the same video

just youtuber stuff

EDIT: Sea of Stars was one of the games he promoted heavily and featured in his IndieLand event, the developers even doing special scenarios just for the event within the game itself before it released and then including him in the release version as an NPC. That NPC has now been removed since presumably they want nothing to do with him anymore and feel particularly burned by their involvement.


As the saying goes “good enough for government work”.


I am starting to realize why I am not as invested in BG3 as everyone else.

I kinda detest the majority of my companions or find them bothersome in other ways but I also feel obligated to at least play through the game once with them in my party.
But doing so feels like a chore, making it easy for me to stop and hard to get back into the game and finish the playthrough.

I found Leo!