Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Finding out that Obsidian pitched multiple New Vegas-esque Elder Scrolls to Bethesda and they were all turned down.

We were robbed.

If they weren’t flawed they wouldn’t have a chance to grow. Lae’zel’s romance is peak.


I hated most of the companions at the beginning too. But they have all warmed on me since.

Except for Wyll I guess but that’s because I’ve spent like 0 time with him. I just don’t know what to do with him in my party setup and how to utilise him well.

He’s been absent for like his entire companion story. Oh also Halsin because there’s only room for one beefcake druid in the party and it’s me.

And then there’s me with 4 original characters plus the whole party.

Party extender mod is great.

Everybody is still dying to my tempest cleric, including my tempest cleric.

When he hits level 2, give him Agonising Blast and Repelling Blast.
Max his Charisma.
Spam Eldritch Blast.

Literally all you need. You can do other stuff, but you really don’t need to.

Wyll, unfortunately, is the victim of being rewritten due to his original character not being well received in early access so he ended up a bit muddled 'cos of it. I still like him though, and he makes a good ‘Origin’ choice.


I don’t dislike Wyll, he just isn’t a big strong mommy which is what I want in my party.

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Now Mizora, on the other hand…

fantastic Origin choice - have played as him (went mind flayer, then into Avernus with romanced Karlach) and it was great.

He has a similar problem to Halsin in that he lacks depth to the conflict in his story, but I like him a lot and both him and Theo deserve more love

One of the characters where the power play of warlock/paladin makes a great deal of sense, since he’d definitely have been the latter if he wasn’t pushed into the former

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My companion ranking list:


Everyone else


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Oh look, how I rolled him, (I know they nerfed the 3 hit in one turn thing, but still)

Yeah, the tabletop power play was paladin 1/hexblade 1/paladin x since you only need one level to get pact weapon and eldritch blast which instantly fix paladins’ two biggest weaknesses (being multi-attribute-dependent and having no ranged options) but warlock/paladin is always strong

Thats the thing, I don’t actually want to know them.
non of them are really people I would want to hang out with in real life.
they are passable as co-workers perhaps and little else.



yeah but what if, and stay with me for this hypothetical, you were abducted by a bunch of space squids who stuck a parasitic worm in your brain and only by coming together as a group can you eventually overcome your individual differences and become more than the sum of your parts as a group not just of allies-by-chance but friends-by-choice?

I mean it’s a bit out there as a concept, but it could happen. Would you feel more inclination to hang out with Lae’zel if you happened to know that Attack-Attack-Attack-Action Surge-Attack-Attack-Attack-Haste Potion-Attack-Attack-Attack-Bloodthirst Elixir Proc-Attack-Attack-Attack?

Because I gotta tell you, that really helps soothe all the istik’s she tosses around.

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bosses hate her

All I am saying is
after the adventure i’d be the first to say “that was fun, lets never do it again, goodbye forever”

I should Add my only two stable party members are Gale and Karlach.
Wyll and shadowheart plays backup depending on what I am doing, but I reserve the last spot for the members whos quest I am on

The Rizzard of Waterdeep is one of the better companions.

However Minthara is the best. But only if you genocide the tieflings and the grove for her.

But I do agree Wyll is awful.

It took me a while to appreciate Gale. But once I had him in my party for a bit I realised he was a top lad.

He reminds me of Anders from Dragon Age Awakening who was great. Sorry Dragon Age 2 Anders but you really bum me out.

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Gale is a nerdy kid who covers up his crippling self-esteem issues and loneliness with a facade of humour and positive vibes.

In other words, he’s just like me fr fr


never speak to me or Ser Pounce again


I still like him, he’s just less fun.