Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I would either love BG3 or do what I did in ME3, which is constantly need to reload certain saves, because 1) Suicide Mission Shmuishide, you are ALL coming back alive and we are going to go and Punch God next, that’s an order, 2) being Nasty makes me sad.

(Tangental but related, I am STILL lowkey mad about how Utterly Pathetic the ending for the ME series was, and how they didn’t do anything for the remaster…)

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When the entire point of his story is a cycle of abuse being either perpetuated or broken? Yes, actually.

The bad part is the people who attacked his writer on twitter for pointing out how his bad ending is supposed to be bad rather than their wish fulfillment and validation of their desire to be his broken pet.

Somethingsomething kinkshaming and insulting perfectly legitimate relationship dynamics.

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This feels like the same people who view the Joker and Harley Quinn as “relationship goals”.


I admit, I kind of cheated by reading a guide for the ME2 suicide mission before doing it.


So did I.
I am not letting these misfits go!


I might be getting the yearly flu for christmas. Feels like I’m swallowing crushed glass.

RP related peeve: The rp’er who doesn’t seem to want to rp.

So yesterday I met a demon hunter in Stormwind and my char asked why they weren’t in Amirdrassil with the rest of their people. In return I only got very short answers, eventually followed by a question if I was interrogating them.

My char eventually says “Look if you think im bothering you, just say it and ill go away.” She didn’t say I was, so he continued asking a few more questions like why she was still in Stormwind, that sort of thing. Eventually I left the char with a tip that maybe if they don’t wish to feel interrogated , they could either make an effort in the conversation themselves, or simply tell them to sod off.

And I don’t know but I feel as if I have encountered this sort of roleplayer before. They’re online yet they don’t seem to wish to talk or rp at all. Am I simply not the preferred character or what is it with these people?

On one hand, there are some people who only seek out certain RP or who don’t enjoy roleplaying with particular characters.
I know that I personally struggle to maintain my immersion around some vulpera roleplayers, so I generally try to avoid them, even if I’m IC in the same area.
Alternatively, this person could have been looking for potential ERP partners who appealed to them and your character didn’t fit the bill, so they brushed you off. It’s crappy, but some people genuinely behave in that way.

On the other hand, it seemed like most of your attempts to roleplay with this person involved questioning their presence and asking why they were in Stormwind City, which could’ve come across as a bit hostile or based in OOC opinion. “People shouldn’t RP demon hunters, death knights or other outcast characters in cities” isn’t an uncommon opinion, after all.
So, maybe your way of approaching them could have rubbed the player the wrong way so they chose not to engage with you, since they didn’t want to deal with someone who they thought might’ve been trying to push them out of an RP hub.
As for why they didn’t just say “you’re bothering me, please leave me alone,” some people just aren’t forward enough to tell people to leave them alone, since they don’t want to come across as rude or aggressive. A lot of people avoid confrontation at all costs, to their own detriment.

Without seeing the person and their behaviour for myself though, it’s hard to say.


You raise some fair points.

I should’ve perhaps elaborated more on this one. My questions were more in the vein of “Oh, I am surprised to still see a Kaldorei here, I thought most of you would’ve wanted to go visit your new home in Amirdrassil.” rather than “Get the hell out of my city filthy death knight/demon hunter/outcast.”

This one I understand well, I try to give most people the benefit of the doubt, but in SW I do find myself avoiding most of the Drachtyr, especially the ones that walk around in their form all the time. I don’t know why, it’s definetly on me but I can’t help it.

Chances were definetly there, it -was- at the harbor. Funnily enough they tried to accuse -my- toon of only coming up to them looking for ERP, but I turned that on them by asking “Why are you here then?” :stuck_out_tongue:

This one is definetly true, and its a shame. Since personally I find it more rude if you’re clearly trying to push someone away yet haven’t the spine to be upfront about it, but I do see how not everyone has the confidence to do that.

Ohwell, all in all I doubt ill ever see that person again, though no doubt I will probably run into more like them, and I doubt I am the only one who met a toon like this.

Glory of the Dreamer achievement get, it’s a very nice-looking saber this time so will see if my night elf characters want to use it

Also two battle pets (a duck in armour and a dreamfoal) which was a delightful surprise

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that one part of the Rogue Trader soundtrack where the percussion is joined by marching boots is so good

I haven’t played BG3 since August (quit at start of Act 3, was waiting for performance issues and Karlach getting a better ending (did she?)) but my companion ranking thus far had been:

Karlach, Gale
Wyll, Halsin, Lae’zel

Haven’t gotten Minsc yet, haven’t used Jaheira at all and since I’m a Druid and Halsin is a Druid, we don’t really need a third Druid.
Halsin is a bear and Wyll has love-handles.

Astarion is just another sassy bratty bottom, which as a stereotype just became grating on me and thus I really didn’t want to keep him in my party nor find out that he (probably) isn’t that stereotype at all. If I need to suffer through that the entire game I’m just not going to be invested. Hope whatever Cazador is doesn’t mind.

I’d love to have a fifth spot in the party so I could run with Karlach as well, alas. I did the Pathfinder oopsie again where I feel like I’m the weakest of the group, because the archetype I want did not turn out to be exactly what I had intended. I guess if I started playing again, I’d just end up being some sort of a summoner (apparently the Summon Dryad or whoever is really strong, because you also get a treant or something) instead.

Me: “Oh hey, even though Comp Stomp is only up til Wednesday, I should be able to get the bits I want for Marks of Honour!” (Cos of the shifted date I los track)

Me, realising that the sets are fine, but the weapon ensemble for Sinister Aspirant costs 80 Marks, and I have 12 left over: :scream:

Guess I know what I’m grinding for the rest of tonight and tomorrow :upside_down_face:

Edit: at two Marks per run, 32 runs to go. Which, given how one-sided the stomping is, I think I can probably tough that out in one night :partying_face:

Edit 2: Oh, nevermind, 2k Honour for x5 marks as well, this might be even easier!


I suggest the unlimited party mod.

Astarion is much more than a sassy bratty bottom. There’s a lot of him you need to chip away at to understand and enjoy him.

I am however, going to find beat you up in a Lidl carpark for putting Bae’zel so low, her romance was genuinely one of the best in the game imo.

Edit: Hot take, Karlach is mid due to other companions outshining her, she lacks in content and attention given to other tag-alongs. I’d go as far as to rank Wyll higher than her.


You people scare me to the point I’m afraid to even start playing BG3.

Explain in ten characters.

It feels like you’re all grading party members in terms of what you’d like to do with them in bed. o.o

All of the companions are romanceable, so it’s inevitably going to be a factor - especially in discussions online where the sex scenes are going to get more attention (especially Minthara’s, whoof, oh my, tugs collar dramatically)

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There’s a lot of Wyll slander in here and it makes me very sad.

This is perhaps my biggest gaming regret that I’ve ever made. I somehow missed the whole thing with the ship upgrades and so passing through the relay had me instantly lose a certain troubled biotic and I IMMEDIATELY reloaded and googled a guide.

Having replayed it so many times that I’m in double digits and watching other people’s first experiences, I hate that I never gave myself an authentic “can I do this properly?” attempt at the Suicide Mission.

You saw me counting marks out on thursday.

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