Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I’ve slept since then, I dunno :joy:

I refer you back to my post where I said I’m not overly interested in suffering through the entire game to finally enjoy him. Slow burn more like get burnt lol!!

What if you don’t romance her . . .

You are entirely correct.


52/80 Marks, let the comp stomp-ening commence.

Edit: Hot take most likely, I think Comp Stomp should be a permenant thing. Given the gating of cosmetic stuff behind PVP/Marks etc. I’m sure ‘normal’ PVP is a quicker way to get stuff, particularly when its In season.

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I have no idea why my post was removed/flagged, but apologies to whoever felt offended. Assuming it’s not just Blizz’s system being Blizz’s system.

Sometimes Blizzard just be removing stuff. Didn’t Vixi once get banned for having an opinion about some Dragon Age thing?

I don’t know if bringing that up will cause problems, but y’know - they just do it randomly sometimes. It’s frustrating because they don’t even show the post that supposedly violated any guidelines, so you don’t even know what got flagged/removed and have to guesstimate. If you’re (un)lucky and get banned at least the email will tell you which post was the reason for it.

I think other Discourse servers at least show you what got flagged and why, so I’m not sure why Blizzard’s forums don’t. Then again, other Discourse servers also let you DM other players while Blizzard removed that function (and funnily enough didn’t remove the forum suggestion when you’re replying to a person multiple times to DM the person instead).

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Objectively wrong as Withers himself speaks of her light and how her soul shines like no one else.

It’s fleshed out a tad with a hope spot for her in the “6 months later” epilogue party if she lives.

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I will wage this war against whatever Karlach simp dwells within Blizzard’s moderation team.

Karlach is the unproblematic fave. A perfect ray of sunshine that only occasionally ignites everything around her on fire.

Sure she’s got the occasional anger issue but if I’d been stuck enslaved by devils for a decade I’d occasionally be pretty miffed too. Girl’s the embodiment of “I went through this, and I want to make sure no one else does again” instead of “I went through this, so you should all have to suffer too.”

Everyone in the party likes her. As they should.

Plus she’s a barbarian so it’s very easy to have her throw enemies at other enemies, which is always funny.


Haven’t played the game yet, but I can relate to this so much.

The performance of ‘Avernus was never my home: it was my prison. And I’m NEVER. GOING. BACK.’ alone should give Sam Beart their BAFTA


Holiday insomnia.

I’m going to need medication.

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Speaking of BG3, there’s a cute advent calendar game going on where you can get downloadable tracks from the OST as a reward


Importantly: these are all ambient tracks not included in the Digital/Deluxe versions of the game, so absolutely grab these whilst you can, especially if you’re playing DnD or are a DM.

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Levelling through tanking Dungeons is fine, but boy howdy do I wish

  1. Healers who specifically act like they know what they’re doing (“Skip all, last boss??”) would actually be passable at healing, and not have everyone go into the red on the trash before said boss…
  2. Sweety, if you want to pull all the mobs, YOU go be the Tank. Otherwise, shut up and follow me. Good grief.

That’s enough of that for the day, at least I got all the Marks I needed for my mogs heh. Now I just need to quiet down the brainworms that are whispering about making a Nelf Priestess and levelling as Holy… ._.

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Sensible DPS brain: it’s fine for the healer to DPS and top me up with HoTs, I’m not taking damage for a while unless I run into the fire

the tiny hedgehog that lives inside that brain: HEALTH RED, HEALER???


Meanwhile I have the opposite problem when I heal. I freak out and get stressed if I see someone’s HP drop below the 95% mark and try to correct that immediately.

The priest class animations are so jarring to me to use on a night elf that if I wanted to roleplay a night elf priestess, I’d probably just level a balance druid and use the 10.2 LFR transmog.

Blizzard give alternate priest animations pleeeease

In an ideal world, I’d like five different sets of priest animations depending on the target of worship: Light/An’she, Elune, Titans, August Celestials, and ancestor spirits. But that would be a lot of work for the animators, who’d have to create five different animations for every existing and new priest ability going forward, consuming a lot of resources for something only a few players care about.

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Praying, hoping, coping for animation/glyph expansion in future to allow for Sunwalkers, Priestesses of Elune, etc etc :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yeah, there were other healers that did the above, and that was fine. With Prot Warrior I’m mostly topping up with Feel No Pain and Victory Rush etc anyway.

But this was the ‘Skip’ healer and there were like two nearly dead DPS AND me below half health and I was spamming my abilities as much as I could.
If it was a newbie I get it, Disc can be a bit much to juggle - I kind of dread going back to mine because I’m sure everything has changed again since I last did. But if they know enough to be complaining about Skips, then surely to goodness they can afford to not be Actual Trash :unamused: