Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

The fact that in 10.2 pretty much all the Priestess of Elune npcs are Balance Druids tells me Blizzard has either:

Finally made peace with the fact they cannot do class-visual changing glyphs
They really don’t want too, and so are just making it so that the priest vibe is forcefully changed to a Lunar Druid vibe.

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Hey guys, I want to post something regarding some music project for the argent dawn server, but I can’t post my links (youtube video/homepage). Probably because of the trust-level I suppose?

If there’s a method I can use to post the links anyway I would really appreciate it if you’d tell me that!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Look, Nelves, I love you, but good grief can you please detach Druidism from your culture, it has hurt Druidism and every other race that practices it so severely. No-one is allowed to have a unique form of druidism, they all just learned from the Kaldorei and steal Kaldorei aesthetics. Every day I live in spite of the fact Blizzard decided Harvest Witches were no longer spooky pagan Celtic druidism and instead had to be assimilated into the Night Elf Hivemind.

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Use the preformatted text option.

or put a ` around either side of the link so it looks like;

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Guilty as charged. One of my Gilnean druid’s defining traits is being a night elf weeb.

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Blame the Kul Tirans for stealing the spooky hedge-witch vibe!


I wouldn’t mind it if it was a minority who were more interested in the Night Elves Lunar Druidism :pensive: but the fact they just went and completely whitewashed Harvest Witches and their aesthetic is deeply painful, doubly so as someone from that culture.

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the poor drust

I am being moofed at.

Wait that is illegal.


They know what they did.
(i.e. get involved in Shadowlands in a pointless and unsatisfying way)


It’s Cataclysm, which introduced a race of short caricatured human-like evil tribal people and called them pygmies. Cultural sensitivity wasn’t that expansion’s strong suit.

But I feel you.


Thank you so much!
It seemed to work :man_dancing:t4:

Sometimes if you try to post a link, then preformat it, the forums will still not let you.

Just delete the link and repost it with the preformat and it should go through.

(these forums are amazingly broken like that)

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what could have been (death druids)

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You see Croe… you aren’t dealing with the average moofer anymore. He has risen beyond his limits and into the realm of legend. He has become… A Super Moofer!


I am pretty sure he is the only cat who moofs.

As well as all the other noises that come out of him at 4 in the morning when I am trying to sleep.


Balance druids have been more proper priestesses weilding elune’s power since the start of WoW. With how they’re kitted in lore, you’d need a multiclass ranger/druid with the druid name scrubbed. Night elf “priests” just don’t fit the bill unless they had an epiphany about the Light or Old Gods in the wake of any given tragedy befalling their people.

All other druids are derivative and would do well to listen to their elders.

They have all of two sentences of lore to their name, a knockoff moonwell and an obviously scavenged kaldorei bear glyph.

Thank you; I was fighting the urge to make a new Nelf Priest with all the mogs I unlocked from the Marks grinding, and that little reminded just dunked cold water on it :+1:

-sobs quietly-

i’ve run Darkheart thicket too many times now, tree puns cause painful flashbacks