Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I have been honing my magic system in my worldbuilding and writing for quitw some time now.

More often than not I bump into a problem where I want to try and fix a problem with just “lol magic” and I have so fsr resisted the temptation and instead found some other, cool way to make thibgs happen in my setting.

I for example wanted to make a doppelganger race, but ibstead of just making a humanoid race that just has an innate magical ability to swap their appearance, I instead based it on their biology by making it into an alien ameaba like species that can steal DNA from other species to gain the ability to change into that form.

The opposite is also true. I tried to make an evolutionary lineage of hydras, but it proved impossible from a darwinian evolutionary standpoint. So instead I made them the result of some messed up magic instead.

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[puts on red cap]

who is dissing the fae folk


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i’m telling on you to titania and she won’t invite you to the winter ball

oh no…!

Anything resembling Tinkerbell is out (small, wings, fairy dust etc.)
Anything that relies on wordplay to play tricks or otherwise bamboozle people? Also right out. Tee hee we’re so smart I said “give me your name I’ll tell you mine” and you thought it meant one thing when actually it meant another!

My reaction to all such fairies:

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how can you be a writer and not adore ‘may I have your attention please’ fae, how could you

idk maybe because it feels unfair to people to use a naturally ambiguous language like English to forge ironclad verbal contracts out of at random, I’m a man of the people, not the fey elite who kneel at the boot of their monarchs…

You just know that fairies ain’t playing by the same rules if you ever try the same thing to them. Hypocrites, the lot of them.

wow, elenthas showing his racial prejudice

with a hard r no less

remember when this was a real line in a real movie


i refuse to believe Bright was a real movie that was made and starred actors

One of my characters who has a library named the law section; “the fae court” because the law of the species feels like that sometimes.

Humanity refers to them as the fae because they actually used to do the fae crap thousands of years ago.

Taiwanese admech making sure computers have their Good Boy treats.

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If I’d joined the weird forest people they’d have done things to me too.

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Don’t join them. Join me.

…Is what I would say if we lived close by. My point is, secular people can enjoy symbolism and beautiful rituals too, and they don’t have to involve supernatural worship or psychedelic substances.

I could direct you to

and particularly these posts:


and also also

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Would if I could, it’d be a delight.

Peeve of day:

Obvious holiday stress is obvious. At last I wrapped all the gifts.

As for weird dreams, at least they sometimes give me writing ideas and libertine elf revel inspires more RPing.

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I just got modded in somebody else’s twitch channel.

Oh no.

You would think, having driven 500+ miles South, out of Scotland no less, things would be warmer. That I would not be wrapped up in bed, using the heat of the laptop to encourage warmth.

You would have thought wrong!

Playing some Total War 3 Warhammer again as Skarsnik.

PoV: You are Thorgrim with 2 full stacks of goblins and squigs sieging your keep:

I rewatched Tangled with a friend’s kid.

Mother Gothel is one of the most frighteningly realistic Disney villains, along with Gaston, is that there’s a chance you know real people like them. It hits closer to home in the Russian dub because Gothel uses language that my parents used to guilt-trip and belittle me in my childhood.

Also, I appreciate how Tangled entirely sticks to its fantasy theme. There are no anachronistic songs, or gratuitous references to modern culture, or fourth wall jokes. It’s a sweet fantasy story that isn’t ashamed of being one, and has broad applicability. I actually think it has the potential to age better than Frozen, and it already might have.