Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

yeah, they’re called tauren and there are loads of them because the Sun Father ain’t a slouch

okay but can any of them go super saiyan

obviously, but nobody has asked them to and they’re too polite to offer

Legends say that there were two things Sargeras the Dark Titan was scared of. The Void Lords… and Mastered Ultra Instinct Cairne Bloodhoof.

This too is yuri.


…I’m confused.

“IM” in the images is Iori Miyazawa, author of popular yuri series Otherside Picnic.

In the interview they talk about how merely the idea of women being in a space (an empty bench, grasslands) gives rise to the ‘yuri of absence’ - that it exists despite not existing, or even further that it exists because it doesn’t exist.

I juxtaposed this with the image of the windows XP default background (a grassy hill), suggesting that it too is yuri.

The joke is somewhat diminished by explaining it.

I resubbed to FF14, lets get my pvp set.

I… What.

Is it supposed to be one of those “you simpletons are too dumb to appreciate modern art” things or is it just stupid? Because, not knowing the context at all, it seems just stupid to me.

WotC saying the pointed-out-by-professionals-as-A.I. image ‘slipped through their filter’ and have apologised.

i.e. Oopsy we got caught, please forget this.
Imagine Gen Software needs to take a serious Legal slapping, so that corpos pack it in with this nonsense…


It’s philosophy, of course it’s stupid.

“This, too, is yuri” is also an excellent joke, never fails

This too, is yuri.


The fierce tyrant set? It’s already one of my favourites and with some black magic I can dye the cloth by itself (hopefully the new dye system makes it better along with other sets).

The very same.

I was actually 3 ranks from getting it when my sub ran out and just haven’t subbed for the last month.

the whirlwind axe has changed my life

i am a living god

me and my priest friend were roaming through duskwood doing quests and saw an undead priest, who was a ?? to us, killing a dwarf lowbie. he turned to kill us too, only to get absolutely demolished.

him being much higher just meant he had a higher chance to dodge my attacks. which in turn allowed me to use overpower which has a 50% crit chance :skull:

he most assuredly found out


In December 2023, Duolingo “off boarded” a huge percentage of their contractors who did translations. Of course this is because they figured out that AI can do these translations in a fraction of the time.

Guess I’m gonna have to find an alternate source for Japanese language learning, oh well.


Have you considered just watching anime and basing all your knowledge off that

Reading the page for a fan-made Warcraft 3: The Last Guardian custom campaign…

Custom campaign with unique mix of point & click adventure and role-playing gameplay


7 single-player missions, 27 quests, 5 hours of playtime


High quality terrain and cinematics, supported by many custom assets, optimized for Classic SD


Fully voice-overed, powered by AI voices created from Warcraft franchise games
