Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

AI voice over mods are the in thing at the moment for some reason. People keep telling me to install the Classic WoW one but like… why would I want that.

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はい, いいですね.

I would unironically prefer it if it was just one person voicing all the characters on their own.

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Have you seen the Warcraft 2 mod for Reforged?

No. Link?

Can’t say I’m looking forward to replaying the Warcraft 2 missions, not even with Warcraft 3 graphics. They’re pretty same-y and light on story, and it’s the variety and the narrative that give the Warcraft 3 campaigns such replay value for me.

You could just learn languages the old-fashioned way. You know, teachers, textbooks…


Costs cash.

(but yes I know)


So it’s not a tile-for-tile remake but a complete reimagining with modern gameplay, thought-out cutscenes and voice acting?

I’m sold.


Reforged finally got some value, eh?


three episodes into doctor who and the wife is still sticking with it

she was even the one to suggest we watch it last night

next two episodes are the slitheen though :skull:


they need to release the fartless cut


the whole thing would be so much more tolerable if it wasn’t for the constant farting

at least dalek is on the other side of it, i just need to get her though it. people say long game is bad but i think it’s a lot better than any of the three slitheen episodes

then once we hit empty child it’s locked in for sure. i said it might take until doomsday but honestly if you’re not in after that two parter you’re lost

Long Game isn’t that bad honestly, I quite liked it. Might’ve been better as a two-parter.

The Jagrafess is there doing space monster things, but we never actually told why it’s there doing those specific space monster things.

Ew. Ewwww. :unamused:

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The farting was thankfully severely toned down in the Russian dub.

Haha I love learning my Italian through google translate haha ha :slight_smile:


the great thing is that duolingo is free (yay) and is really good at encouraging you to do some daily practice , I never liked language classes but duolingo manages to keep me practicing daily well enough

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I love starting the year out being put on sick leave -again- due to stress over being physically and mentally torn down due to my birthgivers own incompetence and poor planning in regards to moving.

The worst part is, she’s spendt more on moving like this than if she’d just idk stayed the extra 2 months before accepting a flat, which was her main reason for moving, and she’d have had less stress and more organisation in moving.

But nooo I have to continously help despite not even being properly done with my own move bc of this.
I just want this to be over so I can go no/low contact for at least half a year

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We’ll never know since it exploded :pensive:

I remember Father’s Day being a cool episode, even if the “monster” was a bit lame.

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Peeve: I am bad at doing things in the time before late shift work. It’s just enough to get bored, not long enough to feel like starting anything is worth the effort… Hrmnn…

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The way they are described are kinda interesting, but their actual appearance(even if you discount the charmingly bad CGI) is very lackluster.

But I still take that over how horrendous Lazarus looked. There’s fun bad CGI and there’s bad bad CGI.

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doctor: rose do not touch the baby version of yourself, as you can see you have completely ruined the timeline and we will all die if you do

rose: :point_right: :baby: