Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Dion had a god in him already.
Donald was all him babyyyyy.

Donald is the sexier of the two as well to be fair.


He’s got that gyatt :tired_face:

Farming Loamm rep.

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It’s the waddle that does it for me.

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i’m taking your forum account away

If you take away his, you also have to take away mine.

Thirsting over donald is acceptable, trying to use AAVE with a profile picture that is literally whiter than white gets the wall

I’m now going to take this out of context and claim you were referring to a different Donald.

marry it with loras’s ‘love the met police’ interpretation, we can create the most cursed boomer

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Alexstrasza with drakonid rebels.

Either way, they waddle.

Will throw hands with anyone who bad talks Amelia Pond. One of the best companions and Rory absolutely got a better time of it than Mickey, since he became a genuine companion for two series and Amy explicitly chooses him over the Doctor before he vanishes to and goes bye-bye.

Burn blisters suck.

after she straight up tries to cheat on him while arguably forcing herself on the doctor despite his protests

and the aforementioned flirting with him infront of rory

season 5 rory straight up does not have a good time and is only chosen after he fake dies in a fake scenario

that he also then dies anyway later is just an unfortunate coincidence

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Won’t speak ill of Amelia Pond as acted by Karen Gillan, she did fantastically with what she was given.

Will speak ill of Amelia Pond as written by executive producer and lead writer Steven Moffat, whose views on women can be summed up as “I love strong women, just as long as they’re sultry and sexy and humiliating me whenever they’re not stepping on me.”


Okay I’ve finished my FF14 duty so I can type up in more detail why you’re all wrong and I am perfect and right at all times and especially right now.

Rory and Mickey fill a similar niche at the start of their respective runs in the show. Boring (Rory) and boring plus dumb plus cowardly (Mickey) – and also the Doctor only intentionally and aggressively belittles one of them (Mickey).

However, Rory finds much more of a niche in the show once that’s over. Mickey becomes a rebel guy on an alternate reality, whereas Rory spends multiple seasons of the show as one of the Doctor’s companions and has a lot of compelling and cool moments (lonely centurion only for a start). He becomes like family to the Doctor, same as Amy.

For Amy’s part, the whole ‘trying to bang the Doctor’ bit ain’t great, but it’s only a more explicit version of what Rose was doing. She just acted on what Rose clearly wanted to do the whole time. In both cases, to be fair, an enigmatic alien wizard comes up and whisks you off on adventures through time and space? Yeah I think I’d be down bad too.

Anyway, Mickey is barely a companion and is probably the worst I can recall off the top of my head. His purpose is to get bullied by the Doctor, so the latter can feel like the big man on campus and impress Rose.

Also, Arthur Davrill never harassed any women so that’s a plus too.

I read that “a more explicit version of what Rory was doing”. Alas, we’re not quite that gay yet.

iirc Mickey and Rose as a relationship always felt like it wasn’t really a thing while Amy/Rory felt far more ‘legitimate’, so her attempts (especially since they were far more explicit) at Doctor wooing felt closer to cheating which is a far sourer taste.

Even if it never graduated into full cheating/there’s more nuance to it, not too surprising people would remember it being a bit more iffy of Amy doing it vs. Rose doing it.

Not arguing that Rory is a worse companion, because he’s a great addition to the team after all of the unpleasantness is done.

I also don’t want to have to point out that thinking of cheating and actively doing it are vastly different.

As I said before as well, Rose and Mickey were never really that good as a couple and that was made pretty explicit from the very first episode while Rory and Amy were meant to be getting married. The former relationship definitely felt more casual and early days, evidenced by their eventual growing apart, where Amy and Rory were literally about to get married.


I’d say that Amy/Rory felt more legitimate in the context of their respective stories was primarily because the Doctor wasn’t trying to bang Amy like he was Rose.