Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Luckily Rory got the last laugh in the end because he then got topped (no debate here) by Amy in the Doctor’s own house/vehicle after all was said and done and became his father in law.


can’t believe matt smith has to call him “daddy”

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Anyway, Martha is the best main cast companion, River is the best recurring companion.

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Martha is the Rory of her season without the eventual winning. She spends an entire season being second fiddle to Rose who isn’t even around anymore, and the end of her story is getting married to Rose’s other ex :skull:

Done terribly dirty.


Yeah, that latter bit is a major travesty

I don’t want to speculate on why RTD chose to match those two characters up when wrapping up his time on the show… it certainly doesn’t look good on the face of it.

Donna is the only real winner in the companion lottery. Sure she lost her memories but she still got the guy she wanted, won the actual lottery and then by the end not only got her memories back but also gets to hang out with the Doctor everyday in her back garden like he’s a gnome.

Haters will say Rose won by getting her own 10th Doctor but that was a result of Donna so she still wins.

Also got hit by Moffat’s fetish for sultry and domineering strong women who revolve around the main male protagonist. Even the gender-bent Master got warped into being the Doctor’s sexy, emasculating love interest.

I think Clara’s the only female character in the main cast during Moffat’s tenure who escaped that fate.

What can I say, Moffat just gets it

I don’t know what’s going on but he writer’s barely disguised fetish doesn’t necessarily ruin the art itself, rigt?

Companions aren’t allowed to be romantically involved, if they are the Doctor gets them killed or locked in a parallel universe.

But no one got it worse than poor old Danny Pink.

Martha being suddenly and randomly paired with the most uninteresting, superfluous character in New Who up to that point still gives me a major case of the unreasonably irate.

I will also offend the Nardole and Donna fans here by saying I am not necessarily a huge enjoyer of either. Nardole just isn’t very funny and Donna got immediately flanderized into being too thick for it to be enjoyable. She needed obvious things explaining that anyone with a braincell ought to understand. Her story and serious moments were very good though.

She wasn’t even the best character in her family though. That was a certain Wilfred Mott.

I’d say it has a negative impact when it influences how the writer depicts almost every major female character in the stories he writes.


the undisputed best companion, despite his very limited time in the TARDIS

wilf was ready to blast the master away with his service pistol immediately. that’s exactly the kind of energy more companions need

Nah, Wilf never actually fired the thing in his life. He just wanted the Doctor to cap the Master.

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True I forgot that.

That line about how the Doctor would have been proud to have Wilf as his dad cuts me deep every time.

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“Blimey, nine-hundred years. We must look like insects to you.”

“I think you look like giants.”


also wilf was the undisputed rizz king

he had every woman on that bus ready and willing to jump his old bones at a moments notice

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Having read some hilariously fetishy schlock I agree.

Squared up to a dalek with a paint gun. Rest in peace, Bernard Cribbins.


my wife is convinced that the doctor is asexual and rose’s obvious flirtation is one sided

she is not ready for the tennant era

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