Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Ecclestone’s Doctor was clearly down bad for Rose too, just less obvious because he wasn’t as much of a romantic lead as Tennant.

It’s not as obvious to her yet only 3 episodes in. She’ll probably notice it later.

Especially in hindsight, Ecclestone’s Doctor could be really toxic. He had to be the alpha in the room at all times, other men were competition. It carried on with Tennant but not as badly.

I think part of that can be explained by him being the post war Doctor and not really being readjusted to everyday life.

But then 12 was also quite toxic at times.

Matt Smith was the one who felt the most like an alien, in the way the Doctor behaved.

Yeah he nailed it. Love his version of the Doctor.

Matt Smith acting against the cyber controller (himself) is one of the peak moments of his run

Because the gnome says funny things

:telephone_receiver: Hello? It’s the based department.

I thought it was a bit of a tragedy she didn’t get even a passing namedrop in the 60th Anniversary episodes. I know she didn’t really need the closure compared to Donna but there were plenty of Rose callbacks and I couldn’t help but feel like it was a strange omission.

Alas, it is how it is.

You deserve slaps for this.

Wilf little character arc of first feeling uncertain about how he didn’t actually end up using one despite being in the war, and then being proud of never having taken a life was nice.

I’ve not watched doctor who in years but, ahem

rory’s dad was the best companion, actually

thank you

The man wrote a sitcom literally about his wife and himself, what do you expect?

I’m honestly surprised Mito didn’t say James Corden was his favourite companion.

He does occasionally have standards

see: his wife

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That is a good point!

The same guys also made a bunch of assets for all three of the dwarven clans, hoping someone would one day use it to make a War of the Three Hammers campaign.

This trailer alone almost convinced me to start rp’ing a dwarf more in earnest.

The actual units they made.



My winter boots I wore to work broke on Saturday
so today I had to buy new ones because I’m not wearing my “good ones” :tm: to work

At least I got lucky and the shoes that were good had exactly 1 remaining pair at the store in my size and they were 20% off

But after work and having additional human interactions I crashed u_u


I’m steadily chipping away at the Granblue Fantasy anime and it bugs me that despite Gran’s design being the most milquetoast blandsome anime shounen boy in existence I still kinda dig it

Like I dunno if it’s just that blue cloth+metal armour=Grey Warden=Cool connections hitting in my brain or what but I am vibing with the handsome happy-go-lucky nicelad who just wants to help out and also find his long lost airship travelling father.

Still not getting the gacha game though, I ain’t that far gone.

…I might get the action RPG game that’s due out in a few weeks (when it goes on sale) though

Finished Rogue Trader, was pretty cool. Funny how the final boss was way easier than pretty much any boss in Act 4