Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Well I’m certainly glad now I kept it. I’ve just been watching some playthroughs of the current orc campaign and oh Lawd, is it such an improvement over old WC 2. It really fleshes out the story alot more and takes into account both the actual wow map aswell as the novels that were written.

Can’t wait for the Human Campaign now, and I’m told that once they’re done with WC2, they are planning to tackle WC 1.

Fell asleep again…
please no sick

I’ve just started it.

The production values are amazing, the cutscenes are at the level that we were promised for Reforged itself, and I can see just how much effort went into this, but by gosh the writing is so awkward. Exposition, exposition and more exposition. The purpose of Warcraft 3 cutscenes was not to be low-budget movies.

Now I understand why Warcraft 3 cutscenes are so short and to the point. Because nothing kills the suspense faster than watching two characters infodump the setting’s lore on you for minutes upon minutes of conversation.


Upon invading Hillsbrad, several cutscenes will play in sequence.

It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.


i have a tummy full of hot choccy rn


I reckon they just wanted to let us see multiple characters that we’d otherwise would not have seen. They did say they took their inspiration from the games and novels.

But perhaps the convos could’ve indeed been shortened a bit.

Also, once you get to act two, all I’ll say is… keep your eye out for parts of a statue…

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There’s a reason the infodump/interlude missions in WC3 are at best like 2 minutes long, and roughly once per campaign. And still mostly skip-able.


“Remember: Brevity” should come as a pre-printed sticky note


Someone needs to staple it to some of the writing teams foreheads, too.

If you need multiple out-of-game media samples to make sense of a plotline, characters and their motivations, You’ve Done Goofed (as in, even a basic, coherent understanding that doesn’t suffer continuousu retcons)

Not everything has to be 4D chess for heavens sakes.


I’m being moofed at.


moofing is legal


for now.


are the forums like broken or something

THey’re having some issues, most likely related to the season-4 tier voting stuff that went live

Back on the work site, no more nagging wife. :relieved:

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Okay, I understand that wall to wall pulls are the norm for leveling dungeons now, but the tank running on a mount past a boss (aggroing the boss) and straight into the next ginormous pack of trash is too much for me.

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Just pull all bosses at once and tank them together. Overlap those mechanics!


aliens of london was, unsurprisingly, not well received.

let’s see if she asks to watch the second part at some point, otherwise it might be gg

why not offer to skip part two and move onto better episodes