Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I meant that -you- were on an alt. You met -me- on Des remember? On your Gilnean druid during that ‘meeting’.

I managed to read it but I wouldn’t do it again. It is more written like a giant summary of how Middle-Earth came to be and what happened in it during the First Age than like an actual story.

Also radical Tolkien fans can go where the sun doesn’t shine. Actually, make that -every- radical fandom.

And on the topic of Tolkien re-writing his lore countless times in multiple letters, the one I remember best is the one where he said that Iluvatar intervened to make Gollem trip and fall into Mount Doom. I just cannot help but imagine it as a giant hand appearing that pimpslaps Gollem into the fire when I am in a funny mood.


Ah, now I remember!


There’s also some interpretations that it was done more indirectly because of Gollum breaking his vows towards Frodo. Words hold alot of power, especially if you swear upon something like an oath. And Gollum swore upon the ring to be loyal to Frodo and not bring him harm.

So by breaking that oath, he brought the consequences upon both himself and the ring.

A variation of this is also more or less outright stated in the cartoon adaptation, in which Frodo after the Ring has begun to corrupt him outright states in a regal, dominating manner, that if Gollum bothers him again, he too shall be cast into the fire. And it’s heavily implied this is also a sort of oath/spell.


If I remember reading the scene right, when Sam sees Frodo and Gollem through that vision of a regal and pathethic figure , shortly before reaching Mount Doom, there’s a sentence describing Frodo “holding a wheel of fire from whence a commanding voice spoke” or some such. Which could be taken as actually being the Ring itself, through Frodo, telling Gollem to never touch him again or be cast into the fire.

Still, your theories hold as much merit as any other. That’s the fun thing, you can speculate about it, but in a friendly manner!


I have watched the first episode of Metallic Rouge.

Good so far. Tickles my cyberpunk itch real good.

Wiki summary:

In a world where humans and artificial beings coexist, an android girl, Rouge Redstar, and her buddy, Naomi Orthmann, are on a mission to Mars. It is to kill nine rebellious androids who are hostile to the government called the Immortal Nine.

Rouge is adorable.
All my homies hate Jaron.

I’ll add mine to the pile and we combat the cold together.

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Since I saw you like my post Blythan, I was low-key hoping for another artistical masterpiece like Palpatine and the furry bears.

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On todays peeves is paper getting stuck in my paper shredder and it’s now a condensed little cube that I cannot get out >:(
I just wanted to get rid of all these old papers, why must I suffer

Hoodless Aldru! With a face!

Yes, unironically minus the headpiece the Uldir set is quite nice.
Not being in a full helmet makes me feel naked though, so enjoy while it lasts


Huan was a very good boy

I have managed to unjam my shredder, thanks lady who made a 3min video and gave several solutions like forward/reverse spam WHICH DID THE TRICK


I’m catching up on my comic reading but you are right, I should draw a little

(still working on learning action lines and stuff like that)


Oh this is glorious, thanks alot Blythan :smiley:


I love you


I like this interpretation more than Eru ex machina. And Desartin is correct, that scene is in the book. It plays into Tolkien’s theme that evil is self-destructive: by placing such a geas on Gollum, the Ring unwittingly ensured its own undoing.


You ever get an idea for art
Have it sit around in your brain for a while
fretting about if you got the skill to put it into reality as it is in your brain?

I am 100% fret

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I have crystal clear images in my head that I lack the artistic ability to pull off. Character art, mostly.


Draw hedgehogs to grind Artist XP


When you realise you have to put time and effort into creating something:

But I’m eepy