Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

It was a ruse to get cute hedgehog pictures! I fooled you!!


It’s a bit of both in my interpretation. Yes, Frodo/the Ring inadvertantly placed a word of command on Gollum (as did Faramir foretell Gollum’s fate too) but it was all preordained by Eru. It was meant to happen.

Which I guess coincides more with the phrase of God working in mysterious ways – yes, Eru knew it would all play out, but it’s not like they’re gonna square up and physically shove Gollum off the edge.

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The problem with “it was all preordained by god” theories is that they’re unfalsifiable, and as Newton said, “I contrive no hypotheses”.
I’ll allow it


lotro forgot all of my progress and put me back to the start of the high elf tutorial after my session yesterday

must have been a server rollback or something. either way that’s killed any enthusiasm i had to keep trying.


Well, in this case it’s because Tolkien said Eru knew everything that’d happen, so in the case of his works that’s just… ‘how it is’. But like the more modern Christian takes on fate and God’s acts, they act through the world.

There’s that Futurama episode that puts it well (love Futurama great cartoon): if you do it right, people won’t be sure if you’ve done anything at all.

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Did you finish that tutorial?

Also I have to say, I like the high elf tutorial. I like how they invented the Sindarin neologism “Gwetherain” (Shadow Kings) for the Nazgul, because of course elves wouldn’t use the Black Speech— wait, where are you going?

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I woke up from my coma and then had to log. So not quite out of it.

Why am I so exhausted? this sucks.

That might be it. The game reset your progress because you didn’t finish it (but, frustratingly, you were very, very close).

You wake up, talk to Elrond, he gives you a personal ring from your old possessions, and after that you should end up in Celondim in Ered Luin.


Today I realized I’ve been on this game for fourteen years now.



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Seventeen years for me :3


Which is a very pretty zone.

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Samesies! I started a little bit before TBC

though I’ve taken a couple of long hiatuses in the meanwhile

While I haven’t played much LOTRO, I love Ered Luin. Its natural vistas feel familiar somehow, reminding me of the lush countryside of the homeland I left behind — with its overgrown hills, and dense forests, and dilapidated Soviet monumentalist architecture, abandoned outdoor theaters and neoclassicist rotundas. It reminds me of the times I spent wandering the fields and woods, and sometimes rowing in the small lake, and going uphill, and looking at the lands that lay beyond. All it’s missing is the power lines.

LOTRO faithfully reproduces the “beautiful and pristine, but touched by decay” feel of LOTR’s Middle-earth that carried with me since I read the book at age 10 or so. I think the familiarity with that particular kind of landscape and feel, and the natural expanses surrounding us, might have been one of the reasons why LOTR struck such a chord in the former Soviet Union in particular.

I enjoy LOTRO’s Rivendell, too. I have a character parked on the doorstep of the Last Homely House so I can sometimes log in, go outside in-game, and enjoy the sights of peaceful nature at night when it’s too cold outside to do so in person.


I’m in this post and I don’t like it.

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I started in 2005… oh no, i’ve been here for almost 19 years now…

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Look, I literally cannot. I’ve tried and my ability to draw has a hard cap as my brain ceases to cooperate in putting mental image to paper. The effort was made for decades and stalled.

There’s a reason I stick to 3D models…


I have aphantasia so I don’t even have cool ideas in my head to fail at pulling off

(Aphantasia is when a person is unable to conjure mental images)


I never learned to draw, and now starting from scratch feels daunting — it would require a massive investment of time in addition to my other hobbies.

But maybe one day.