Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I guess my situation is the reverse of that. Good images and vivid dreams but it will not translate onto paper.

Aphantasia here too. Itā€™s a pain so I justā€¦ draw whatever lmao

I saw a tweet today (gods help me) saying that you can indeed draw and that it will be hard but you really can if you try. It was meant to be encouraging but it was just a reminder to me of how I peaked and stalled.

I know Iā€™ll have to produce a lot of bad drawings before I get to good ones, and thatā€™s part of what stops me.

The other part is a realization that it would be another hobby that requires me to sit motionless at a table for hours.

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Rotate that apple, NOW.

Iā€™m imagining Loras imagining something in their empty nogging.

A most potent dab.


I would like to have the motivation to draw again, but hasnā€™t been there for a while, a few odd sketches and doodles aside.

And I feel for you poor aphantasia folk, canā€™t imagine how to not have images so it automatically must suck in my head.
Meanwhile I think in images so sometimes my brain will conjure something EXTREMELY cursed bc of what someone said.

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This foe is beyond me

Horizontally or vertically?

Peeve: Itā€™s still a whole nother week til dynamic flying :pensive:

Not sure if peevee or hype.
3 body problem is coming as a show on netflix, streaming from March onwards.

On 1 hand, I am hyped as hell.
On the 2nd hand, I am terrified they will mess it up.

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Frustrating. That intro is not short, and I must have spent about half an hour on it before I had to suddenly dash.

It would be fine but itā€™s not like you can quickly power through it because the majority of that time is spent waiting for NPCs to talk.

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Same. I think the trailer looked pretty good, though! I really hope they manage to get the central uhh, ā€˜problemā€™, across in as creepy a way as the book managed to, I think thatā€™s the most important part to me.

I am not good on PvP servers. I lack the killer instinct.

I talk up a big game about how I am going to obliterate any Horde that crosses my path, but when one actually appears on my screen I find an excuse not to engage.

ā€œOh theyā€™re Tauren, they are friends.ā€

ā€œWe are two and they are one, it wouldnā€™t be fair.ā€

ā€œI just saw her die to an average mob, sheā€™s already having a bad time.ā€

Iā€™m just not ruthless enough.

Same. I hope they never showcase how Trisolareans look like either. Just their mere presence and conscience is terrifying enough.

Idk of the Sophon robots were ever manufactured to look like them, but I never got that impression.

I also hope they cast a good actor for the police chief. He was a real badass in the first 2 books.

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I miss the days when r/chatgpt was about unexpectedly funny (or unintentionally funny) text responses or seeing it bug out in amusing ways, instead of being flooded with AI generated images of uniform blandness.

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bothered. dry. unhappy. out of my lane. unfocused. falling apart at the seams.




Is malicious compliance a good way to deal with trolls using ā€œironicā€ pronouns in TRP? Asking for a friend (not really).

Probably not, because thatā€™s part of what they think is very funny