Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

she still hasn’t watched the second part of the fart episodes.

blowie tile is probably a skip

there’s still a final slitheen episode in the series though right before the finale, much less egregious mind

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imagine a world where that episode was a required watch because it held context for the finale


World War three is better because it actually focuses on the slitheen as villains more seriously.

Boom Town later on is also decent.

i wonder if she will take the daleks seriously or think they look stupid

it’s a narrow line

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They are goofy up until they murder everyone.

The german daleks in series 4 though.

idk i still vividly remember them using the sucker to squash a guys face and it looking so dumb

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Doctor Who is at its greatest when you can simultaenously say its both really stupid and really entertaining.

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I do admit I can’t watch Who anymore because I just find it too silly on average. I watched the Eccleston and Tennant seasons when I was much younger and didn’t know better. I quit in the middle of season 6 when my patience with Moffat’s obsession with stable time loops began to wear thin, and when he started shilling River Song and turning her into an author’s pet character and, if I’m to be completely honest, the Kai Leng of Moffat Who, when I liked her better when she was just a time-traveling archaeologist whose shtick was encountering the Doctor nonlinearly.

I quit in the season break between “A Good Man Goes to War” and “Let’s Kill Hitler”, and haven’t looked at the series since, only having seen a couple of specials.


based lintian. finally someone who has the same opinion on river song

I also nearly quit around this time, I really couldn’t handle that season. But I felt that it improved after that, and really enjoyed most of Capaladi’s tenure despite Moffat’s writing.

I dropped off after Jodie’s first season because life got in the way, and was drawn in by the specials this year all according to RTD’s master plan to lure us oldies back in by having Tennant and Tate reunite.

I think I’ve gone over the crest of being frustrated by Doctor Who not taking itself as seriously as I wish it would, by realising that it’s actually quite fun as a result and can now appreciate it in a different way.

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I like the actress, and I liked the mystery of who she actually was originally. And while I think River had fun moments, they did push it a bit too far and bit too early. When she said she was the Doctor’s Future, I imagined it beyond the series scope.

Smith was a good Doctor, but that entire season is pretty weak. I know it is the point with the Silent and the whole baby thing to be confusing, but it felt frustrating to watch first time around. It’s only in returns to the show I could appreciate the season better.And that doesn’t do it any favours.

Capaldi really helps carry his seasons. As does Michelle Gomez. There are some really good episodes in there, I think Extremis is one of the creepiest story setups and premise in the entire show and an amazing episode, even if the follow-ups aren’t as good. The Doctor Falls and Twice Upon a Time are probably the best Regeneration/Season Finales flat out.

But most of the Moffat episodes tend to be…very bland and rather mid. Nothing as bad as RTD’s lowest lows, but the average episode is also not as much fun either.

loras is not going to be happy when they see this

When is Loras happy?

when i am suffering


Also @ Mito and Vixi I am never going either of your suggested races >:(

River Song is one of the absolute best characters in the series and if you say otherwise I will introduce your face to a particularly aggressive cactus.

You don’t have a choice in the matter.

Bring it

My only complaint about River Song is that they didn’t keep her around for long enough when they should have and she should have met Rory’s dad

I can’t get on with Doctor Who in the slightest.


Is this you paying for a race change?