Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I only like the occasional funny Dalek gif and the scene where they let Vincent van Gogh timetravel into a modern day museum expedition for his art. Because I’m sappy like that.
Everything else is… not for me.


If only Blythan could watch the Slitheen episodes.

No :frowning:

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Blythan doesn’t have any streaming service subs and is too lazy to sail the seas for something that looks that level of silly.


Then no Gnome, I don’t play short races

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river song was fun and enjoyable but also over-exposed and a victim of the moffat-written smith run

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We talk about nu-Who but who’s your favourite Doctor from 1-8?

I’ll take the obvious choice for Tom Baker as 4

It’s a mixed blessing. I can also picture a deviantart loras OC and desire to remove my brain with an icecream scoop.

idk im not a boomer

It’s okay the correct and only answer is Tom Baker based entirely on the scarf.

Raw drip.


I wonder if it’s budget was higher, I’d like it more.

Another episode of Dungeon Meshi.
Another episode of the great loser failgirl Marcille (she is the best)

Can’t wait for yay.mp6 :pray:

Ursula Le Guin’s essay “From Elfland to Poughkeepsie” strikes a huge chord in me, and I think it’s good reading for fantasy roleplayers as well as fantasy writers, but I think I may be biased here because I had already internalized the gist of the essay’s message before I learned it existed — I’m not sure if I would be as receptive had I not.

I think I understand now that some people’s resentment towards what they call “Second Life RP”, which they inconsistently define in words and which I myself don’t use, is rooted in how it makes Elfland feel like Poughkeepsie — that if you replaced all the fantasy objects with real-life equivalents and left the character speech entirely intact, you would just get the familiar world.

Let us consider Elfland as a great national park, a vast and beautiful place where a person goes by himself, on foot, to get in touch with reality in a special, private, profound fashion. But what happens when it is considered merely as a place to “get away to”?

Well, you know what has happened at Yosemite. Everybody comes, not with an ax and a box of matches, but in a trailer with a motorbike on the back and a motorboat on top and a butane stove, five aluminum folding chairs, and a transistor radio on the inside. They arrive totally encapsulated in a secondhand reality. And then they move on to Yellowstone, and it’s just the same there, all trailers and transistors. They go from park to park, but they never really go anywhere; except when one of them who thinks that even the wildlife isn’t real gets chewed up by a genuine, firsthand bear.

The same sort of thing seems to be happening in Elfland, lately. A great many people want to go there, without knowing what it is they’re really looking for, driven by a vague hunger for something real. With the intention or under the pretense of obliging them, certain writers of fantasy are building six-lane highways and trailer parks with drive-in movies, so that the tourists can feel at home just as if the were back in Poughkeepsie.

But the point about Elfland is that you are not at home there. It’s not Poughkeepsie. It’s different.


idk some of it comes across as gatekeeping/snobbery to me.

“These writers aren’t writing REAL fantasy!”

She did a lot of good writing, but I don’t really need someone to tell me all about how their chosen genre was better ‘back in the day’ or whatever.


Oh, absolutely. She’s fairly opinionated about what’s Real Fantasy and what isn’t. I think there’s a grain of truth there, though, and the core of her message is not about gatekeeping, nor is it about old vs modern writing.


Giving me level 8 party a scroll of Power Word: Kill


is it about having cool slang
I think it should be
That’s a message I can get behind

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please make them have to say the word as they do it

I love the idea of Power Words being words you say With Intent

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who would have thought it to be a stupid idea in the first place?


what is Tumblr Live

Even better if they flub the scroll use roll and waste it (they bite their tongue)

Tumblr trying to get into tiktok style stream stuff

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