Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I love companies and websites chasing trends that are specifically not what people came to their platform for. Instead of focusing why people liked/use their platform in the first place.


[lightning flashes from your eyes as you read the scroll. you feel the image of a man staring behind you, like a moving picture, as you intone the words]


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Especially when they also constantly complain about not making any money from their current model. And instead of expanding and building up their own brand they waste money on stuff the users do not want.

Power word: Twitter user

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I wanted to link Frieren and then got immediately disgusted when the top result on youtube was some ugly 4k ‘upscaled’ interpolated piece of garbage.

Interpolated “”“60fps”“” anime (or indeed, anything) needs to get shot out of a cannon. Horrendous. Bad enough when a TV has it on by default.

The terrible ‘meme’ edits are a close second. It was great without your ‘hilarious’ additions guys, just leave it as is.


Reading up about the Gilneas reclamation and IT’S SCARLETS AGAIN





As someone who was never a big fan of Scarlets to begin with, but thought that they were still decently neat villains.

This is not how you warm me up to them Blizzard. All it does and have done is make me dislike them even more.


by my count they have been ‘completely wiped out, men women and children, no survivors, no possibility of escape’ level killed four times now


Look, when you think about historic enemies of the Gilneans and Worgen, especially those who have a vested interest and presence in Gilneas, can you think of any more prominent than the Scarlet Crusade?

I don’t think you can.


I mean, we’ve been trying man. Even the death knights been trying. Yet they just keep coming back :frowning:

In the meantime I just want to know what happened to all the feral worgen, roided up on black dragonblood or otherwise.

Or how the Scarlets even formed a bridgehead there, did they deal with the plague or did that just dissappear on it’s own?

Grab the Manderville eh?

I cannot even fathom what the story they’re trying to write here is because so far we know:
Calia goes to Genn and amasses the Forsaken (with blight artillery) to help drive the Scarlets from Gilneas
They use the Blight artillery AGAINST the city where the scarlets are held up (dont think about the long-term consequences of this teehee)
The Scarlets PROTECT the city AND bless the graves of the Gilnean dead so they can’t be raised into undeath (don’t think about this new and super easy way to avoid Undeath)
<Things We Don’t Know Yet>
Gilneas is reclaimed, the Blight had no lasting consequences and the Worgen and Forsaken are besties now


This not only makes no sense, but it spits in the faces of the Worgen/Gilnean players and characters to such a visceral degree that I can only imagine Golden was involved somewhere somehow. WHO WANTS THIS? WHY? LET THE GILNEANS GO FULL WEREWOLF ON THE SCARLETS-


Calia Menethil continues to be the worst thing that has happened to the Forsaken since Arthas Menethil.


Imagine if instead of a stillborn mobile OS, file sharing, and dubious AI initiatives that they ended up all killing, Mozilla just focused on making a good browser into a really good browser.


Hold up, how’d you figure all this out already when the patch is not out yet? PTR or something or?

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I might be a bit behind on my lore but, how did the Scarlets that somehow survived multiple Monastery raids, and the enclave in Eastern Plaguelands, and Balnazzar in Stratholme, muster enough manpower to pass through Lordaeron and claim Gilneas from not only the Forsaken that were there, but also the feral Worgen?

Scarlet Crusader secret hero class?

(This isn’t a new thing and has been established in the lore decades ago)

Even though I doubt Blizz thought about it as much, but… we see during the Forsaken Heritage quest that they do have ships. And during the Cataclysm when Deathwing destroyed a large part of the coastline, the natural reef barrier that up until then used to protect Gilneas from a naval invasion also dissappeared, which allowed the Forsaken to come in with ships of their own during the initial invasion.

So I reckon the Scarlets came by sea. From where though? :man_shrugging:

I think that killing Scarlets is exceptionally based

And with WHAT. I remember them going to Northrend, but not anything beyond that.

They even changed the monastery instances and bosses in like… MoP?

I never understood why though.

I’ve always felt like I was missing something when it comes to them.

Do the Scarlets make any sense as the villain of the zone reclamation? No, but they’re an old Blizzard favourite to roll out.