Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

how do you pronounce it

it’s something along these lines

I opened that link expecting something Very Anime. I wasn’t disappointed.


Every mob in an SMT game is from somebody’s culture or mythology.

They also use the same mobs throughout their games.

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The way German myths get treated by a lot of western media always makes me want to write my own little fantasy horror thing inspired by them…

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GW2 did a similar thing about sylvari names, pronouncing them as written. For example, Niamh as ni-AM rather than Neev.

Finished the campaign of Star Wars Squadrons, since it was free and all - it was a nice enough flight sim campaign, though it had the issue of you not being the main character in any sense [it’s mostly a guy who defects from the Empire because ‘I didn’t sign up to kill refugees’ which lol, lmao, what did you think the Empire was my guy] but also you are the one who does all of the Main Character stuff like chalking up an absurd amount of tallies and destroying entire fleets

Like, come on now I won a dogfight in a TIE bomber and he’s the one who gets a Commander title and his own title card? rude

me googling “are there any good empires” and one of the responses being “the Galactic Empire, from a certain point of view”

yeah man, the original trilogy really made the empire out as the good guys and the rebels out as the baddies, 10/10


goodness is stored in the turbolaser


I just put a hole in my washing up bowl.

Its plastic.

… So it’s like Welsh, where the rules are just hoyed out the window? :sweat_smile:

In real life, there are plenty of cases of people going along with an authoritarian government’s policies under various justifications they tell themselves, until they’re asked to cross a line that, for them, is going too far.

I know of some. By name.

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Don’t go to any Youtube clips of the scenes from Mando season 2 where they had to go undercover(ish) as military.

The comments sections are beyond dumpster fire levels…

Dude starts talking about one of the most heinous war crimes in the galaxy he happily partook in

youtube comments: hear me out


Coughed up quite a bit of phlegm, did I finally catch the 'rona or am I just getting a throat infection? I guess I’ll find out soon enough

And my supposed machine washable pillows are… in fact not machine washable.

Thanks Leo, love you.

Peeing on my bed WHILE I WAS IN IT.

EDIT: I want to be done with today.

Before you get the rona, come to the portal room of valdrakken.

never read the comments.

anything’s machine washable if you’re brave enough


everything is machine washable once you mean.

EDIT: Look, its just not my day today, I would like to sleep and pretend it never happened but I have to dry my bedding.