Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Leave a planet, get some weird full screen error of code/references that are indecipherable, hit escape and get sent back to main menu.

Reload save, replicate actions, no error, no problem.

The machine spirit has been pacified.

Been replaying Dark souls 3. Made it to Farron Keep and it is absolutely horrible in multiplayer nowdays.

If you’re a watchdog of Farron(meaning you get pulled into other players realms to fight them to defend the area), most you will encounter are either A) Cheaters. B) Memesters who hide in a corner of the map until you leave or C) Twink groups of 4+ people geared up and ambushing.

If you’re just running through, you’re also going to get spam-invaded by hackers or twinks farm-camping.

One particular individual was clearing house and using some-kind of cheat to pull as many watchdogs into his realm as possible(I ended up there 6 times in a row). And once there he had a censored(very obviously a slur though as it began with N) name, infinite hp cheat on and his steam profile was full of the following: The guy from American History X as his profile picture, location set to Russia, description and profile full of white-supremacist symbols(The main one spammed several times) and various slurs towards ethnicities. It also included rage-bait comments on how he “collects dark souls tears”, several VAC-bans in the dozen and the comment section full of people detailing how he had cheated in their games.

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I can’t imagine being that level of sad


I will never understand it. Because clearly it is almost a part-time job with the amount of time it actually takes. Like imagine spending most of your free time on…that kind of stuff instead of anything else?

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I mean, on Argent Dawn I’ve seen a guy run around who named himself Natoscumx. Tried to name-report him a few times but doesnt seem Blizz did anything with it. And I did it three times, not just once.

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Please link me them on Disc.

Much prefer Krile.

NATO-expansion is non negotiable, autocrat fans tremble

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Putler and fans upon finding out that rather than weakening NATO, he’s made it more relevant than ever, to the point of making two countries want to give up their generations of neutrality and join NATO:


Greatest unintentional western asset in his own funny way really


Finished Rogue Trader.

Too many ending slides to share them all - I will say that the breadth of response is far better than BG3 did with its (initial) epilogue, though it was a little diminished by bugs meaning that a character who I’d killed actually stayed alive for another 50 or so years before finally dying.

Party Member Endings

Abelard: Retired, died in bed surrounded by family, of old age. Good for him!
Argenta: Became a Sister Repentia, died killing a demon. Good…for her, I think.
Jae: Flew too close to the sun, crushed by a fledgling Rogue Trader who didn’t even get named. She had a good few decades of being on top though, so it’s not all bad.
Heinrix: Became Inquisitor, Warden of the Expanse.
Cassia: Became Novator. Stayed in love with me forever, even after she became more mutant. Monster lovers unite.
Idira: Lived a few more years serving RT, apparently got taken on a “bucket list” trip with Jae? Good for her. I didn’t know they were pals. I dunno if I missed some dialogue about it but they never really chatted that I can remember.
Pasqal: Became Amarnat Collective. Disappeared into the Screaming Vortex.
Yrliet: Became the leader of a fleet of Aeldari Corsairs.
Marazhai: I shot him in the head, but he still showed up in the epilogue, apparently handed over to the Inquisition. Yay bugs!
Ulfar: Joined the Stormbiters (he said he wasn’t going to?) and eventually got dreadnaughted.

Generally, for the 40k universe? Not a bad set of endings really.

I look forward to playing the game again in like…a year and a half when the DLC is released and it’s fully patched. Next time I’ll do a no officer run though, because turn trading made it kind of a joke.


I love that one.

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So it turns out that gardens of the moon is a real banger of a book.

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Yeah… I thought it’d be neat to do some low-ish PVP themed as a Watcher to get the Covenant rewards.
Ran into the exact same issues. One guy who was clearly a PVP pro, frame perfect dodges and couldn’t wear down his estus, plus some outrageously Nonsense weapon. Not actually hacking I thinks, but I ran into him half a dozen times, when one was Not Fun anyway.

Fromsoft do many things well, but PVP isn’t one of them, frankly. If you’re not with the meta and exploits and all that crum, it’s just an all around Bad Time.


Worst thing is you aren’t even entirely save from these people on console
Back when DS3 was recent I ran into someone who figured out the moveset swap glitch early and was really, really annoying with it.

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It’s time for…


Gardens is a slog with its info dumping, the author has wrote a bit on whether he regrets making it that way.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it though, i’ll wait until you get to the fiest book with hair on its chest; Deadhouse Gates


As the years have went on I unironically believe in horseshoe theory when it comes to the whataboutism regarding western powers

We have a good thing going, Jack

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Reflecting more on Rogue Trader, a big disappointment was that as the game progressed, there were fewer and fewer opportunities for Abelard to introduce me.

In fact I’m not sure there were any from Act 3 onwards.

Real misstep. I should’ve gotten to the final confrontation with the final boss and had a dialogue option for him to announce me. The villains should have been increasingly befuddled by how I insisted on being introduced every time. That one guy who betrayed you? Who knows exactly who you are? Who hates you with every fibre of his being?

Doesn’t matter. Abelard, announce me.


Do elaborate on this?

This is all Souls PvP all the time from Demons Souls to the heat death of the universe.

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