Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

The rogue trader subreddit is an even split of gameplay discussion, romance talk, or variations on ‘Abelard, upvote this comment for me’

Surprisingly wholesome time


Also is it me, but is anyone else experiencing Youtube being god-awfully slow when you want to type a comment under a video recently?

Its their new anti adblock software. It slows down the site at intervals if it think you use an adblock.

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Ah, no wonder then… I am using one. Mothertruckers…

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Some people say it’s the adblock update being dodgy, some say it’s youtube slowing it on purpose.

The site I’m having problems with is Imgur.

Has it been DDOSed for 3 days straight? Hella slow.

Back to nightmare 4 on D4, god help me everything hits hard.

Some of this emerald dream gear really does vibe more as “zovaal redemption arc” with the curving detail of SoD torghast gear smoothed out. It doesn’t look “Dream” nor “Dragon”.

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The defence of terrorists because “America/the west bad”, rampant anti semitism, historical revisionism and hypocrisy

Thankfully its relegated to tankies for the most part, but jfc the brainrot is the exact same as how the far right gained traction in recent years


okay so i at this early stage i am willing to agree that yes, final fantasy 6 does appear to be quite good.

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the whole starbucks thing is unironically just leftie qanon


I found some of the story complaints about Act 4/5 a bit overblown, but content-wise Act 5 is a bit anemic. That’s not necessarily a bad thing on its own, it’s fine for them not to have an equal spread of gameplay time, but as the climax of the story it did make it feel a bit rushed.

Argenta’s personal quest was also a bit of a letdown and felt like cut content, even if I didn’t have a problem with the narrative result.

i still haven’t finished the house of hope

i don’t think i will ever finish bg3 at the rate i am going

I use ublock origin on firefox and youtube has been fine with me still. Guess I’m just built different?


Yeah my adblockers in chrome(!) haven’t had any issue yet either

Ah the anti-imperialism (imperialistic actually) faction

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It’s apparently an issue with adblock specifically, ublock (origin) is unaffected, from what I’ve gathered.

no i’m just built different elenthas. i’m special.

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I’ve decided that I’m alright with the idea of the Twilight Tower at Amirdrassil.

The NPCs there put their presence into a perspective that, while certainly a stretch to some, at least makes a modicum of sense on scrutiny. It’s also distant enough for Kaldorei settlers to not accidentally stumble upon something undead or demonic.


Pro: Got to write a scene I’ve had in my head for almost a year, and it’s mostly come out as I’d originally envisioned even.

Con: Got my second rejection notice from a literary agent. Four left to go.

Those two things aren’t connected, but they did happen to be on the same day.