Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

My peeve is that the Emerald Dream encampment still doesn’t have a portal back to Valdrakken. I get that before the raid there was a problem with portals not going through or something, but come on!


And what, Stonetower, must I give in return?

“Now why would you be afraid? It’s because gods can die too, isn’t it?” Had no business hitting as hard as it did.

I’m usually not a big fan of gods being represented as people+, but the book has done a good job so far. I also really enjoy the names for different things.

[pulls down hood]

depending on the people around you honestly not that much the biggest troubles are just re-doing your wardrobe and having second puberty if you don’t have to deal with transphobes

Hey, I’ll have you know that my Monk is 100% in the right for going “Hello there, fellow Arathi people.”
Because he’s from there
He’s just
a little undead
doesn’t change where he’s from tho!!

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How far in ya got by the by?

The Empire in Skyrim seems pretty okay tbh

That’d explain, I use adblock on chrome.

As far as I know, read on the site of TWW, there’s a ‘schism’ going on within the Arathi. So I reckon we’ll see moderates and fanatics duking it out with one another, or boys who suddenly want to make peace with the Void. I think it’s a little early to draw conclusions on so little.

Oi, I play that game on occasion, and I know it’s played by some weirdos, but c’mon :frowning:

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Play it exclusively to girlboss in the fallout mod. The base game or anything else I don’t touch.

On that note, some weird and smelly enclave fans aside, the OWB mod is generally pretty good with its sub-community when it comes to being accepting and the mod itself has fairly inclusive and nice content.

Imagine I put emphasis on the word ‘really’

like that guy who’s really into WW2 documentaries and paraphenalia

[you posting this on a human paladin is extremely funny given the context]

I read ‘this probably isn’t the last we’ve seen of the Scarlets’ when you kill their leader and I show deep concern

I think that was from around 130, I am now at 190. Book two, Darnhjistan.

At this point I’m willing to believe someone who is really into scarlet rp has infiltrated the writing staff. Its why they keep reappearing in ridiculously stronger force each time despite being repeatedly told that they’ve been “wiped out, as much as we can actually describe in words” over and over.

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Why not the base-game? It’s not that bad! Granted, I am still not very good at it , though perhaps that is because I tend to often try and play my own country, the Dutch, and they have absolutely atrocious starting-spirits. Especially the “Spectator of the Great War” one or whatever it was called that nearly obliterates your recruitable population despite us never having fought in WW1.

WW1 over, Dutch population most affected despite never having fought in WW1 at all.

That said, at first I thought the My Little Pony mod was the weirdest one… until HOI 4 youtuber Stakuyi decided to play the mod that transforms Bavaria into Femboyvaria and lets you go on dates with Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchil and Hirohito… who the f comes up with this and is like “Ah yes, let us make a mod out of this.”

I should admit, I do have an interest in WW2 aswell, but not to an unhealthy point and im certainly not a wehraboo, worry not.

Mainly because I like the gameplay well enough, but not the setting as much. WW2 has never been a game setting for me. I got the game for the mod because I heard stories about it being really good, and it is!

Apparantly its surprisingly good. And has the biggest amount of content and production value of any paradox mod. Not just HOI.

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At least the naga have an excuse of Void-infused breeding to emerge in massive numbers over and over again, but even they are wearing out their welcome

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As long as they are around it also gives atleast a trickle of hope that Zin-Azshari will actually be done justice and not be 2 copypasted buildings using Legion assets in the corner of the map in a BfA patch zone.


Christ that’s one way to put it

Peeve: Bel’ameth is sharded. So much for walk-in RP, at least for now.


I mean, compared to the Stormcloaks maybe. But the game still opens with them planning to execute you for the crime of just kinda being nearby, under the assumption you’re also a Stormcloak. It makes a little bit of sense if you’re playing a Nord.

A lot less if you’re playing literally any other race…

Speaking of Fallout, Fallout London (the Fallout 4 mod) comes out in April. Probably mentioned it before here, mentioning it again because it came up in conversation at work. Gonna ask a supermutant if they’ve got a loicense for loitering.

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British Brotherhood of Steel.