Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I can’t wear a hat!

I know I am the deity given powers out like candy but STILL

Messes with my antlers.

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We can design one with holes for the antlers!

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Talking of gw2 and cults reminds me of those misogynistic idiots the sons of svanir. Thank you anet for giving me bigots to gladly smack about

I have a normal and healthy appreciation of Baba Yaga

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She has a normal and healthy appretiation for throwing hatchets at the moment.

Wasn’t the Flame legion similar?


They feared the Charr women, for they knew they would get bullied mercilessly by them.


Oh like leo then?

He’d get mercilessly bullied by Charr women too.


None of us are immune to plate wearing cat Tauren


Be sure to give his little paws and face his daily kisses from me.

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Both misognysts but different reasons and methods. The sons were because a woman killed their martyr during gw1 and since then used it as an excuse to kill and enslave women. Reason you never see female icebrood is because they refuse to beleive Jormag would grace them with his gift. (Laughs in NB scheming).

Flames case its because a woman upset their religion and threatened tonpull the flimsy thread holding their power together. Compared to the svanir, flame legion up until current day keep their women enslaved to cook, clean and “for the breeding pits.” There was one survivor who said she would be drugged for days at a time.

Compared to the svanir, flame legion is trying to redeem itself with a good imperator where the women have as much respect but they dont delude themselves that it isnt a long hard road to correct those mistakes.

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Is that what we call it? Remember killing a lot of them when I played a Charr elementalist.

Here’s your beans


From icebrood saga on they are at least. The base game world isnt great at reflecting some current lore.

icebrood saga spoilers.

The current blood legion imperator is afterall a flame legion born woman. Crecia my beloved…

Being honest, I have not played the game since the first expansion and don’t really intend to go back.

I still think its a game worth checking out. No sub, everything you buy is yours, with a massive deep world thats changed since most played it.

I just don’t feel like going back.

Between WoW, FF and all my other non-MMO games I play semi-frequently, I have enough on my plate as is.

I’m still convinced that if people didn’t complain from the second onwards of her being datamined we would have had her and her underwater corpse that forgot to burn to ash as leadership instead of the council…

I once had to explain the full disc priest toolkit to a random who joined
He played a lot of pvp but nothing else
Man didn’t know more things than FH, Shield and smite. (This was in cata)

That’s somehow gotten worse and worse over the years. Used to be that I had to tell people to not instantly dispel stuff no matter what for bosses where you have to run out but these days I’m just kinda glad when someone else does something.
Oh and shadow priests… looking at you too.

They’re so fluffyyy

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I wish I had a priest to throw at remix, I would do all the mass dispells.

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Thank you, I am pleased.