Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Act 2 of pentiment done. my heart is in pieces, obsidian are absolute world-class writers, I am extremely terrible at everything which seems appropriate for the setting

eredar Warlock? Me? No just a mage who likes… fel green.

EDIT: In other news, lightforged rogue is 62, mage-I-didn’t-want is 63, Dk has surpassed where he was before timerunning and troll warlock’s nearly caught up. Shevas above has way surpassed where she was before timerunning.

I may after this reroll my zandi rogue and druid.


I haven’t played Warhammer total war 3 for a few months now- Can somebody confirm if AI is still dodging artillery if it is auto targeting?

What about tauren and dark iron dwarves?

Didn’t seem to be the other day, Hard battle diff.

Not as well as they were, but it changes with difficulty though.

Grimtotem :handshake: Dark Irons
being the ‘bad’ version of their race and having dark fur/skin


remix has been the best oppurtunity to make alts in years.
on that note I got the Kor’kron Juggernaut last night so I am now officially done with mounts. Now to work on missing raid sets and class ensembles. then maybe ilvl for heroics


I forgot I still have Son of Galleon to buy but also got one more Direhorn then I’m done.

I am really just looking for alts to reroll since I have a near maxed character roster already.

EDIT: Also trying to stay away from rerolling hunters due to not being able to get all the pets i want in remix, but otherwise seems anything’s up for a reroll…

I do have a 35 draenei paladin I could reroll.

im trying to stay away from mages priests and hunters. ive far too many of them on retail as is

Priests, druids and monks for me.
I tend to level healers who aren’t paladins… DPSing whilst a healer as one smells.

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i kinda grapple with this (heh) with mistweaver monk. ive no problem playing one as a hard traditional healer and have since mists but fistweaving never came natural to me

Ew mage.

I’d like to reroll a priest but you know, I have all my priests at max except the ones I’ve paid money for (so don’t want to reroll)

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Aye, I could do that

(They’re rarely on the same continent and would not get on if they were)

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Hey, my zandi warlock is now where she was before the reroll (with a better name too)

i keep forgetting how much they expanded warlock race choices. fixated a bit too much on draenei. i do have an idea for a pandaren warlock…

The problem with me rolling a pandalock is that I already have a pandapriest who sort of fills that selfish pandaren role (and she’s wearing a lock set anyway)

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ive seen a fair few say the same when it comes to them and i get it. i just find pandaren who have deviated from their usually centered and goodie-goodie norm fascinating.

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I do like the concept, just as said, I have had a priest for years and she does fill that role already (she’s a shady trader who likes to collect rare artifacts for her own gains)


A Shado-pan warlock using the binding techniques of the Sha to lock in a demon in a prison of their own rage would go extremely hard as a concept