Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I mean, apart from the time I called you Stairshed?

literally no coming back from this one

The AI is pretty good at dodging large magical strikes (The dreadquake ability or doomrocket etc) if they are not tied up in combat or otherwise stuck but I feel like that’s fine because, much like the player, why would the AI just keep its units within a giant targeting reticule of doom?

Depends, but as i am taking the sweat route it can take a week+ (max out upgrades) but you can get it fairly quick

BUT For those not in the know.

Chaofeng is the name of a chinese dragon, where when I was looking up names for both my cloud serpent and my fairy dragon.

I picked Chaofeng because the picture that accompanied it was of a short, pudgy dragon.

One I cannot find now unfortunately.

So now Stairshed is Shortstack Stairshed.

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The controller I use for my PC appears to be dying. The trigger buttons keep getting phantom-stuck where it acts as if they’re being repeatedly pressed or held down, even when they’re not. Annoying.

How old’s your controller?

Honestly, Shortstack is a very funny nickname for a cartel assassin to have

about 9 years

Oh, longer than mine.

What brand did you have? All my controllers seem to go in months and its well annoying.

It’s mostly annoying if you are playing artillery /ranged heavy factions like the empire. I can buy the idea of formations dodging slower moving artillery like mortars (which makes them even more crap than they already are), but when I saw formations dodging entire salvoes of hellfire rockets i was like “thats bs”.

It also doesn’t help i am a hopeless clicker.

Some 3rd party xbox controller. Has RGB in it that I never use but…it’s there.

Excellent, I know what to do over the coming weeks then

Going the sweaty way gives you a title or 2 as well.
1 from doing all heroic raids
1 from doing Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar (which is under feat of strength)

One of these characters I should save bronze on and just do upgrades for these titles.

Dat moment when you’re supposed to vote for European elections today, but you only know who you absolutely -WON’T- vote for, yet you’re not so sure about who -TO- vote for :frowning:

In other news, it is also exactly 80 years ago since the Allies landed in Normandy and began the liberation of Western-Europe from Natzee-tyranny, which I think is also good to always remember.


Don’t see any titles in the rewards list on WoWhead, but considering I already did CE Garrosh back in the day I can flex that on all the plebs

new Dragon Age is called The Veilguard

Dreadwolf was cooler sorry.


absolutely cracked choice to fumble both a cool name (Dread Wolf) and also the best acronym for a game in a minute (DADWolf)


the gameplay reveal on tuesday better do something special for me because i’m really not vibing with the game yet