Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

wait are you fr right now
“Dragon Age: The Veilguard”?

Terrible name.

Even just “Veilguard” would be better.

But also still worse than Dreadwolf.


Yeah it’s probably gonna suck with how long it’s been in production hell and how all the talent has left the studio.

It’ll be like a corpse of the good games strung like a pupper from its limbs.


Dragon Age: Veilguard would be better but I’m content with it as well really, its better than Dreadwolf overall (sorry I hate Solas and have 0x interest in him whatsoever) so the game shifting to companion-focused stories with some Solas in the background is a relief for me personally.

solas reminds me of the Link statue from Majoras Mask, aka Ben Drowned

don’t ask me why. it’s just everytime i see his stupid egg face it’s like he’s staring into my soul with a half creepy smile that unnerves me terribly


I absolutely would read an adventure story with grimtotem and dark irons as main characters though

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They dislike each other right up until the dwarf notices the tauren’s gun and they bond over firearms

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Crypt of Forgotten Kings HC has a difficulty spike i was not prepared for.

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I’ve found that the Mogu Tomb traps overall(regardless of where they are in a scenario or the world etc) are quite heavily overtuned and can easily twoshot if you if aren’t careful.

not even the traps, the mobs were 2 shotting me.

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The final boss also has a one-shot mechanic.

I know that, I got out of that, rolled into his BS on the floor and got one shot by THAt instead.

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Yeah it is quite a spike.

Battle of the High Seas also has some really high damage on HC compared to the other scenarios.

The titles are:
Claw of Eternus (Clearing all heroics)
Paragon of the mists (Clearing SoO Mythic)

Blizzard, stop pestering me about buying TWW Epic Edition for immediate beta access. I have enough of your money-grubbing schemes.

Pre-selecting Epic Edition in the shop doesn’t do you any favors either, it’s a blatant dark pattern. Are you that desperate for money?

(I haven’t even preordered base edition)


Hmmm those are easy titles to get, but iirc they were only datamined so interesting to see they implemented them as the latter was for realm first clear

On that note, I find it quite scummy that the Deluxe editions give Trading post tenders.

Some neat extra rewards for a deluxe edition is old news and I’m mostly fine with it, but since the tenders is an actual ongoing currency that also matters to alot of people and is relevant, it feels pretty malicious to both hard-limit the amount you can get each month, while also giving extra if you buy this 70$+ edition of the expansion.


They are but it just takes long to get them due to upgrades.
Also Throne of Thunder heroic is probably the hardest of the bunch because of funny scaling.

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Just cleared it myself a couple of days ago after a failed previous attempt. Most bosses are…mostly fine, they just have alot of HP. But then you got Durumu, Primordius and Dark Animus that are so ridiculously overtuned that they easily wipe a raid at the smallest mistake.

Alot of the other ones are pretty easy if you do basic mechanics.

This and the ToT Bridge are the hardest parts of the event the rest is pretty easy.

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They did that with the outfit too.

Buy the arcanist outfit and get tender (I got the outfit because at the time I had a character I wanted to wear it on)