Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

I think above all else the game needs an anti-snowball tuning.

All the buffs you can give to your troops with some lords (e.g. Grom) make it nigh impossible for the AI to win, no matter how difficult you make it.

I am playing on legend difficulty RN because even as much as I hate the battle realism thing it forces upon you, the AI just gets smarter and more cheats to make it harder to deal with VH/VH is just not challenging enough and usually 20-30 turns in I feel like I have already won the game.

Also agreed. And also their rework made them way too powerful. I feel like I can literally never be caught and I get ambushes on armies 24/7.

I also wish there was an “end times mod”, where after x turns, AI factions start to form into the coalitions they are in the end times, where your goal, depending on the lord you play, is to either prevent or bring about the end games or help Nagash win or the orks have a bloody good time.

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of course you’d go for long compound words

It’s Übermorgen and Vorgestern in German. Same length and shorter than English this time, sorry island people. You can’t put random spaces in your compounds and pretend they don’t exist here :sunglasses:


their trying to kick start the word economy.

well I liked that economy.

Clamavi de Profundis was the greatest thing i ever discovered and keeps me in a dwarf posting mood year round


They’re really good. My favorites are their takes on the song of Durin, Beren and Luthien, and Diggy Diggy Hole.


I’m not particularly a dwarf enjoyer but their tunes slap

Funny enough the three I was listening to in work yesterday as well as their more recent When the Hammer falls and Winterdeep

not a dwarf one but it is a favourite of mine
(153) Lament for Boromir - Clamavi De Profundis - YouTube


Wind Rose is also a solid dwarfposter band (they also have a cover of Diggy Diggy Hole)


Speaking of TW:W3, I got the Black Pyramid endgame crisis only… shouldn’t all the tomb kings be going nuts? I am near Court of Lybaras after confederating Thorek Ironbrow, yet she’s calm, does nothing, and most of the land near the Black Pyramid still belongs to Skarbrand so… is Nagash just not trying or?

In other news, I finally got around to watching the first three episodes of Chaos Theory, the followup to Jurassic World’s Camp Cretaceous, and I must say, I quite dig the more mature approach, it’s even borderline horror at times.

The Nagash Endgame Crisis turns the faction holding the Black Pyramid by default into a super-faction - unless someone like Settra or Arkhan or Khalida hold the pyramid before the endgame crisis, they turn into the super-faction.

There’s a strong chance they’re out invading the bottom of the Southlands or fighting in Araby if you’re near Khalida.


It’s just The Sentinels that do anything.
They are the specific faction that owns that Black Pyramid. Kinda lame.

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wind rose are really really good. i love their works. astonishes me how much of a cult hit diggy diggy hole became since the yogcast came up with it on the fly.

WIND ROSE - Together We Rise (Official Video) | Napalm Records - YouTube

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I guess I’ll have to find out at some point!

It is. Ahwell, I still have plenty to do. Malakai and Grombrindral are out in the absolute north killing Sigvald and the last of the Norscans in that area after those latters thought it was a great idea to attack my empire spanning from Troll Fjord in the West to bordering on Cathay in the east ( through the Chaos dwarf lands and the former Greasus mountains). Thorek is just preparing to kill Khalida soon.

And I plan to atleast complete all of Malakai’s adventures and settle all the legendary grudges.

It is funny though, I do not know how the west is looking , but Ulthuan went completely up in flames. Practically all high elves are dead, and from what I can see, most of it is ruled by either Tzeentch, Vampire Coast and Naggarond. So it’ll be interesting once I get there.

We use it in swedish.

The Kingdom slaps insanely hard aswell.

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“Meow, meow cathulhu fhtagn. I hear his call and wait my inevitable doom”


That one has a place of honour in my DRG playlist. We’ll rise and we’ll mine to the heart of the world! :pick:

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Also it is now officially my birthday.


Grats to you! You survived the test.

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