Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Mhm, we got a demonstration of some Scarlet and Forsaken rp’ers being weird recently the AD meetup thread thing was not so long ago…


The Terf right?

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thinking the German inspiration is the Holy Roman Empire (yippee!) vs the actual German inspiration


the very one.


Every time attempts are made to prove the Venn Diagram between Scarlet and Fire Nation isn’t a Circle it just keeps making it more evident that the venn diagram between Scarlet and Fire Nation is, in fact, just a circle. Which is slightly annoying and moderately depressing.

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I kept forgetting I was still posting as a masked vulpera rogue whoops

It always struck me as super out of place hearing those VAs in the MoP versions of the Scarlet dungeons, and I think Blizzard sees it the same way because the most recent iteration of the Scarlet crusade, the NPCs in Gilneas, have zero weird almost stereotpyically German villain accents.


Given it was done for the Scarlets pretty exclusively, that makes a lot of sense

Still, I like it - rename the plaguelands into the Eastwald, make the kingdoms feel like different countries

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It’s a cool idea, but there is unfortunately a very strict border/line to how far you can have a fantasy or sci-fi kingdom be german inspired(especially if it has some authoritarian or military tones) until it opens up the floodgate for the smelliest people in the world.

Nordic mythology also suffers from this.

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Tbh I have most of my Forsaken running around with German names too (priest and warlock are an exemption, basically)
Seen mostly very harmless German names tbh. One of mine is a straight up pun.

Yeah, personally I like Lordaeron being German flavoured (and would like Alterac to be Swiss flavoured for reasons). Just if those people could stay away that would be very nice.

But what can you do? Only let people educated in catching all the dogwhistles run Lordaeron guilds?

lmao, the twitter warriors screeching about transgender people not being targeted are so such sad clowns
same kind of brain cell when they blubber on about how the NSDAP was socialist and leftwing because it was in the name

I don’t leave this thread so things pass me by~


Hear me out

Forsaken Landsknecht


These people don’t seem to think the Democratic Peoples Republic of [Blank] are actual Democracies… funny that :thinking:


A fanatical religious order trying to reclaim their traditional homeland from the undead horrors that have taken it over is cool! people seeing that as a way to play out their own feelings about that being a real thing less so :frowning:

Yeah, ‘fantasy medieval’ is usually based pretty much exclusively on late medieval France and England - medieval Germany and central Europe is different enough from that to be somewhat different without being largely or completely different from the overall general idea/vibe of humans, using it as an inspiration is dope

unfortunately a lot of people that grab ‘germany-inspired/flavoured’ as their sauce do not, in fact, ever use anything but one specific Germany…

im ready to sack Shattrath City at behest of my Emperor Charles V Churlghoul V :saluting_face:


I think the best we can do as a server is to keep making the community as a whole and in smaller circles as unwelcoming as possible for these people. Make it very clear that they will have no friends or safety here at all.

It’s not perfect but it will help make things nicer & they’ll scurry off elsewhere.


Some ex wow-players who have now thankfully left the game decided it would be hilarious to raid the AD meetup thread with references to modern day natzee groups.

The messages have been deleted but it was still pretty cringe.

The thing is, for a long time whenever it was brought up such people existed, there’d be people who’d insist they, in fact, did not have such people in their ranks, and any accusations to the contrary were just hearsay, chinese whispers, fabrications by haters etc… did I forget one?


I think that the eastern plaguelands should be canonically given over to me

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How would you govern the lands?

govern…? you misunderstand me


Rage Elf.


i 100% agree most would be fine and harmless. the ones im sadly reffering to were the very specific refferences to members of a 1940s political party.

but they were ad’s good guys ofc. /s


Red? Gold?
Acceptable :ok_hand: