Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Vast majority of the people on my ignore are either transphobes or transphobe-adjacent yeah. Zero tolerance policy for it.


It was a sort of behaviour that was happily tolerated and even defended on the :cloud_with_lightning: Argent Dawn Realm Forums :cloud_with_lightning: for years


This stuff was around for longer than you are posting on the forums. Just not as open.
People just didn’t want to see.

Forgot my hunter
But it’s fine
He also forgot his name and names all his (mostly spider) pets with stuff like “ugh” and “heh”

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Another line that got used a lot was (paraphrased) “I don’t like it/those aspects but there’s nothing I can do about it” sis you can call it out and leave if you’re ignored/censured for it.



Okay yeah, fair enough - although I think that guild is dead? That’s the only optimistic take I can give - can’t kick someone if nobody is still subbed and playing to kick them. Honestly if that’s the stuff they continue to harbour then yeah, probably best it’s dead TBQH.

Ew. I think I started participating at the tail-end of that era, because there was only really one guild that I recall that seemed really big on the whole “we can say whatever we want, free speech means I get to say heinous things” train.

I think I know who - or well, I definitely know some of the people or groups in question, but I don’t think I know all of them, but if they don’t play on the server anymore (as I assume is the case) then I probably don’t need to know.

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There’s atleast two guilds. One I think is dead yeah, but the other I thought was semi-active still but I could be wrong.

The person certainly is as half of their roster is wearing the beach mog from last month.

The problem the PCU had ( I might aswell just name it, since everyone knows who we’re talking about anyhow) with having such people in their ranks persisted for far longer than that specific event.

We often laugh at the funny blog that often wrote about them, but in this regard they were right.


I wonder if they purchased the Pride Chair?

We’ll never know.


The problem never stopped when the rot came from the top. It was all very… grim.


if “good rp” is reason enough for you to outright tolerate bigotry, far right sentiments, witch hunts caused by one persons dislikes and the resentment of someones right to their own gender identity, it tells me more about you than i think you’d like.

the way the blog is wrote is a bit too…righteous for my liking but i couldnt disagree with its fundamental points.


Yeah, I’ll admit during my time in some of the guilds, I did make a pretty conscious effort to avoid the main group Discord after a while because it just felt kind of unwelcoming, honestly. The individual guild Discords? Totally fine, but the group one? :grimacing:

I’ll stand by the three guilds I was in as queer-friendly spaces, I don’t think that particular behaviour would have flown in any of those, but while I was in the Argent guild I asked to be told ahead of time if a certain other guild would be about so I could avoid them because I just frankly didn’t like a fair few of the players - and if I don’t like the players, I’m not gonna like the RP. And hats off to Vits, honestly, he was understanding of my request and didn’t object to it.


I think that a lot of posters (myself included) on the forums just kept out of it/quiet because they didn’t really feel like getting caught in the crosshairs of a notoriously vindictive set of players.


Blog likes to peddle fabricated screenshots.

Just because a broken clock is right twice a day doesn’t mean it isn’t broken.


COAD committed several fatal sins (sephiroth posting, targeting random people including yours truly, and devolving into ‘b-word eating crackers’) so we do not have to under any circumstances hand it to them


I didn’t feel like getting stalked.

So I told some people in private
The server overall didn’t seem to care



It was cowardly of me, but when I saw them gangpile on people, I just stood aside because I didn’t want to be made their next target.


You’ve been targetted, I’ve been targetted, Vixi’s been targetted.


You’ll always be my favourite token gay, or whatever the full pompous, disrespectful title was.

Absolutely absurd label to throw on anyone, but to imply you inparticular were queer for some sort of performative aspect is so laughably tone deaf it’s unreal.

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At the risk of sounding like a boring, moderate centrist:

A good time to remind people that a community of 300 is difficult to ascribe any specific beliefs or goals too, given how varied any group becomes with 300 different personalities, views etc. within it. There absolutely were issues, they absolutely were ignored; sometime hypocritically whilst punishing others for the same reasons. But a vast majority of people either just silently RPed within their guild and guild discord or were vehemently against the few who, usually, inevitably, ended up kicked because most people for very logical reasons do not want to tolerate [that].

The people who commented on that thread have not been a part of the community, as far as I know being 4.5~ years absent from it now, for a very long time for very [obvious] reasons as well.


Supreme Token Gay, tyvm

I’m just a shadowy gremlin who rarely leaves this forum thread, I don’t want attention do not perceive me

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